Sporting a fancy white shirt with a fancy black tie, which matched his choice of black slim fit jeans and which somewhat rivaled his beige backpack, Aaron made his way to the office, oblivious to what was happening around. He had completely immersed himself into the virtual world his phone, and possibly must trusted companion, unraveled before him. He was reading logs, logs that stored all his previous adventures and provided him with details about certain places and certain people of interest. Even though he already was a knight, he hadn't participated in a mission as of yet, so given no chance to show his true nature, he simply passed time by doing freelance work for his neighbor, mostly using his powers to rescue their pets and find lost jewels they got from thrift shops. Not to say he didn't enjoy his work - he just needed something bigger, something that could force him to display all of his potential. After sliding his phone down on the front pocket of his pants, Aaron shook his head, mentally berating himself for his constant requests to add flavor to his dull life. Things had been peaceful quite a while, so while a monster's appearance would mean more serious work, it would also mean that people's lives would be on the line and that's something he couldn't allow himself. After all, his powers of manipulating paper only served for surveillance or deliveries. They were nothing against the frightening might of the monsters that TERA had been facing all these years, and he couldn't just punch a beast until a knockout. He could try, but it wouldn't end well. Aaron's harmless pondering had unknowingly brought him before the TERA headquarters. He didn't recall his last trip being that short, but it was probably a trick of his overloaded mind. The buzzing sound the call button made quickly attracted Ms. Gilboa's attention, who responded with a rigid "How may I help you?". Even though a clandestine group, TERA didn't have a permanent facade other than [i]that building[/i]. It was very weird, and fortunate, how no one even thought of sniffing around and try to uncover the purpose that old building served. Though even if someone tried, the Lords would eventually get wind of it and make attempts to peacefully get rid of whatever incriminating evidence they would possess. Recognizing Jasmine's monotone voice, the blue-haired misfit uttered "Aaron Hodges, reporting for duty". There was a brief intermission, before he got a response from the lady "I'm sorry, who?". At this point, Aaron figured out either she was messing with him or she really had a bad memory. He assumed it was the latter, and decided to take a different approach. "You might recognize me as the guy with the weird hair. You know, the Mountain Bluebird? That rings any bells?". Ms. Gilboa was briefly drowned into thoughts, then immediately responded, a half-smile slightly parting her lips. "Oh yes, please come in Mr. Hodges.", unlocking the door as she did. The presence of two other knights took Aaron faintly aback. He could recognize the younger one; Dashing, or so he was called. They had small talk in the past, but never a proper conversation. While the other one, the short man with the trimmed hair, he had never met. If it wasn't for his shakujō, the boy would have probably never known that the small guy was actually Katsu Fukui, a Rank V Knight and his superior. Upon finding that out, he was thankful that he refrained from cracking a joke about his height. That would have been extremely awkward. Extending his hand in the friendliest manner he could while simultaneously mustering a wide grin, Aaron greeted, his british accent adding a dose of finesse. "Greetings Mr. Fukui. I see you're back from your trip!"