[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/scar.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Freya.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=DarkOrange]Scar Lionhart[/color] and [color=DarkOrchid]Freya Beauchamp[/color] - Present Evening - The Pride Lands - The Moors[/h1][/center] How long had it been since he had climbed these particular set of stairs? The North Wing was almost never used by him or his servants, and yet here he was, climbing the tallest, steepest stairs inside his castle, watching the walls spiral past him with each step he took on the winding stair case. Finally, after what seemed like hours (more to repetition rather than fatigue) Scar reached the top floor and pushed himself inside the small room where he kept a small assortment of old artifacts, but he was only interested in just the one. Pulling a dusty brown blanket off of an object that stood taller than he was, he raised a hand to his mouth as he coughed out the dust that entered into his lungs, dropping the blanket and waving his free hand to clear the air around him. Once the dust settled, his eyes opened back up and looked to the handsome stand--alone mirror he had kept hidden for a number of years; a gift from Maleficent once he had secured the Kingdom as a way to keep in touch. His black eyes narrowed on his own reflection staring back at him, the urge to just take his fist to the glass and be done with it forever being forced out of his mind. He hated magic, but it was his only option right now. Taking in a breath, he reached forward and touched his palm to the smooth, cold glass. "Maleficent, I summon thee." The soft jingling of her anklets filled the hallway as she made her way down it her palm pressing flat against the oak door as she pushed it open her body slipping through into her chambers her other arm still holding both books and the letter she had received not moments earlier when she had been in the library with her young ward, crossing over the room she made her way around to her side of bed her arm relaxing around the books letting them drop to the mattress her body falling down to join them her eyes focusing on the letter in front of her. Furrowing her brows she groaned internally her eyes flicking from the words on the page in front of her to the large ornate mirror standing tall on the wall her free hand waving to show her who was disturbing her otherwise peaceful night, catching Scar's figure standing tall in front of her she raised an eyebrow out of pure curiosity wondering what was possibly so important that he would put his pride aside to call upon her like he vowed that he would never do. "Scar, darling... To what do I owe the pleasure of you ruining my night? I mean, you aren't the first one to disturb me today; so tell me, did you, the sea witch, and those damn morons plan to destroy my perfect day today?" Lowering her gaze once more she tried to concentrate on the letter though the sudden thought of having to read the constant and strange courting that Gaston was driveling on about no longer held her interest, standing up she threw the letter over her shoulder letting it fall to the ground behind her as she wandered over to the mirror her arms crossing over her chest as she waited to hear why he was calling on her so late not to mention at all. "I have no interest in making plans with a decrepit fish, nor any of your other play things. Their lack of intellect rather bores me it astounds me you haven't done away with them all as of yet." Scar remarked dryly, crossing his arms over his chest making himself look bigger than he already was. "Though even for you I suppose that's a bit too much effort, eh?" Shrugging his broad shoulders, rolling his neck around a bit until a few cracks in his neck came relieving some tension in his shoulders, he gave his attention back to Maleficent. "For thirteen years now I have been supplying The Moors with advanced weaponry that has been keeping your... [i]adequate[/i] soldiers well stocked. We can both agree that it is high time to advance your army with a handful of my own men. A handful is all you will need, as I will hand over those capable of training your men into something extraordinary without the prospect of an entire army of mine eating The Moor's clean into a famine. Of course, I'll give you my two top generals as well to oversee the project..." The corner of Scar's lip twitched up into something that almost looked like a smirk. He knew he had to of had Maleficent's attention by now. Magic could do much, but nothing could compare to the elite warriors that came out of The Pride Lands. Lifting her hand up she ran her fingers back through her long dark brown locks her auburn horns keeping it in place as she listened to what he was saying to her offering to send her some of those soldiers of his that seemed to be above all others not to mention two of his generals which she knew would take down several of her men on their own, the notion of it had indeed piqued her interest and she knew for a fact that he knew she had had her eyes on some of his men for quite some time now wanting to bring her own army up to a standard in which she wouldn't send them off on wild goose chases just for her own entertainment. "So you finally give me an answer, however I know you too well Scar. You are not one who will give without receiving something in return..." Dropping her arms from her chest she pressed them against her hips leaning to one side the sequins on her saree sparkling slightly under the light of the evening sun flowing in through the balcony door, "So what is it that you wish from me." The flicker of a smirk turned into a sideways smile as he closed his eyes and nodded his head once, keeping his thick arms crossing over his chest. "You are correct, as always Maleficent." He stated boredly, but pressed on with his point. "I thought it would be best to ask of something that doesn't put your hand in danger of breaking one of those pretty little nails you spend hours manicuring, so in return all I ask for a bit of magic to be done. Nothing too complex, just a curse to alter. Not my own, mind you, we've already gone over that, but this one's a bit similar however I've already reached a conclusion on how it can be changed. I need the waters of my grotto altered to [i]exactly[/i] match the waters at Swan Lake. Can you do that?" "Ah, you wish to connect your grotto to Swan Lake... I can only think that the reasoning behind this would be because you have met the young Princess. Little miss Odette." Her lips turned up in a smirk as she spoke already coming to a conclusion in her mind that she would indeed help him and perform the magic he was asking of her, "If what I am thinking is correct you have either stolen her away from our dear friend Rothbart, or you have somehow convinced the naive creature into following you around and believing you are somehow her friend..." His smirk turned into a scowl in the blink of an eye, the knowledge Maleficent seemed to already have on the girl putting his hairs on end just a bit. Perhaps he had said too much. "My reasoning's are my own, witch. Now can you do it or not?" Chuckling softly she lifted her hand up her eyes turning to gaze at her nails as she made a point to confirm his thoughts about her not wishing to put them in danger of being chipped or broken in any way, "I can indeed do as you say. Though if this is about the girl, you will not only need the water from the lake to appear in the grotto, but I would assume you need the certain special ingredient that is the moonlight upon it's surface. I can have that reflected from Swan Lake as well. This is something I will do if it will get me what I want." Raising a hand from it's tucked position into his arm, he waved his hand off, his eyes leaving the mirrored reflection of Maleficent for a brief moment. "I don't care about these 'ingredients', all I want is for it to be done, no questions asked." Lowering her hand back down to her chest she turned her full attention back to him her smile never leaving her lips, "We have a deal. Pleasure doing business with you Scar." Tucking his hand back into his opposite arm beneath his armpit, Scar returned his gaze to the witch and nodded his head once, though it lacked any respect. "Good. You can collect your men as soon as you've done it. I will inform them now that you are on your way for inspection-" Mimicking his motions from moments ago she held up her hand calling for his silence as she spoke out correcting him before he had the chance to go any further with his train of thought about her leaving right at that moment to appease his needs, "I think not Scar... I shall not be traveling to the Pride Lands tonight. I have better things to do with my time, and frankly they hold far more importance to me than your needs of connecting two bodies of water." Lowering her hand so that she was matching his stance with her own arms crossed over her chest causing her breasts to look bigger than they truly were under the saree that had been gifted to her like most of her wardrobe, "I have other commitments, and I shall keep them." Scar, furrowing his brows as she cut him off so blatantly, further held her gaze with a menacing glare, his eyes remaining on hers despite her accentuating her breasts as what he knew to be an alluring advantage she held over most men she dealt with; but not him. Raising his hand back up, his finger pointing at the glass mirror that was Maleficent's figure, he jabbed it her way. "It's tonight, or no deal. You want your men? Then you do as I ask, you will not get them any other way, Maleficent, and we both know how much you want them." He threatened. Rolling her eyes she let out a gentle sigh her gaze turning back to look at him as he threatened her his finger pointed at her as though he thought throwing a temper tantrum was going to get her to change her mind, "Well... Then it's no deal and your little Princess can stay as a swan for the rest of her days at your castle." Lifting her hand she waved it dismissively showing him that she honestly didn't care, yes she had been wanting to get her hands on some of his soldiers though she wasn't in any rush to do so, "I will not be changing my stance on this matter. I belong here tonight and this is where I will stay. Unfortunately for you, I have a better offer of spending time with a person who does not hate me, nor do I hate them. Quite the opposite actually, unlike your company, I enjoy him by my side." Bringing her hand back down she folded it over her chest once again as she continued her explanation as to why she would not be joining him, "Call upon me and I shall come to your lands tomorrow to complete my end of the bargain. It is this, or live with trying to understand the loud honks of a swan for the rest of your life." Understanding washed over Scar's face then, not of relief, but of detestation. "Jafar." He said, spitting out the name as though it burnt his tongue. Shaking his head, Scar took a few steps away from the mirror, pacing about in a small circle as he thought over the counter offer before turning, giving his profile to Maleficent but turned slightly at the hips to face the mirror at an angle as he pointed his finger back at her. "You waste my time, and for that you will owe me a small penance for making me wait. But tomorrow I will call." He promised. "Enjoy your night with your forced relationship. No man would [i]truly[/i] enjoy [i]your[/i] company. You've simply scared him into staying at your side, your desperate mind only seeing what it is you want to see. Keep that in mind... witch." With the last word barely off his lips, he waved a hand over the width of the mirror, the image of Maleficent wavering with the glass until all was solid again and he was left to look at his own reflection once more. Her jaw clenched her dark eyes hardening causing the flames in the fireplace to flare up as she listened to what he had to say about her relationship being forced upon the man that she had fallen in love with over the last thirteen years of her life, as his image blurred before disappearing completely she let out a frustrated and angered yell her hands balling into fists before coming down on the vanity that stood under the mirror the force of her anger causing a little bit of her magic to bleed through into her actions forcing the wood to shatter under her touch. "We have plenty of kindling for the fire, no need to make more... Freya..." Standing up straight she turned around as the sound of Jafar's voice hit her ears surprise written all over her face as understanding dawned over her features her hands dropping to her side and her gaze turning away from his gaze, "How much did you hear...?"