Oh I like that idea, yeah I would assume people would do that cause Alakai seems real determined to level up as quickly as he can so they both would be fairly high and known for the ability to fight well together. Hm for the guild idea perhaps maybe instead of a guild it could just be a small group like with only a few members so it's not a guild but they don't want to join any other guilds because they have to be 'really good' or 'contribute' but they do want to make a guild for casual sake? The smaller amount of people would attract Alakai better since he doesn't really like crowds and maybe after a while it becomes a proper guild. I don't mind either really. Oh and for the names. I figured since it was in game if they aren't in main cities or towns maybe the npcs don't have names until they introduce themselves cause they always have that introduction paragraph before the quest is given. So shall I just scrap that idea? I'll change my post now but you can let me know on it.