"A discussion (albeit a fruitless one) about feminism! Ahhh, SJWs, oh nooo!" Though, as I'm reading through, I gotta applaud Jozarin for actually being educated about this. Studying this stuff in an academic / professional setting amounts to basically everything they're saying. I've taken no gender classes, but as an anthropology major, much of this is covered at basic level courses. Granted, there [i]is[/i] plenty of evidence for sexism within the game industry, but men tend to dismiss women's first hand accounts. I know I'll regret saying anything because meninism is a word now, but there it is. [quote=@Keyguyperson] I still find the entire idea of us arguing here pointless. As I said before, if everything said by The Patriarch is true, then Feminism, Men's Rights Activism, and Egalitarianism are all the exact same thing. [/quote] Yeah, basically. But I've never actually seen MRA do anything for men. They seem to be more "anti-feminism" than they are pro-men, which is a shame because it'd have potential otherwise.