Neil started to put his suit on, listening to Ellie as she went through her pre-walk briefing. He nodded and smiled, he'd been out on a few walks in his time. He knew what he's doing. He would keep an eye on everyone as best he could. There as the safety tech after all. And back up on the actual maintenance they had to do. He held his helmet it under his arm, "Quick safety announcement, Ellie has last word. She's the boss. But I am the last word on safety. You do something stupid, and I can tell you to buzz off back to the airlock and back inside. I've never lost someone on a space walk. Never had any on drift off and have to go and get them from free float. I'm within 2 years of retirement. Don't break my record now." Sometime later the airlock began to cycle. Everyone suited up, ready to go out, oxygen running, glare shields set. The thruster packs for this walk distributed. Neil Stienhauer has purposefully placed himself at the rear of the column atleast for now until they reach their objective at which point he'd come up to help. But atleast back here he'd be able to watch everyone traverse the distance there. As the airlock opened and they slipped out into the void he called out to every as a reminder, "There are handholds on the station. Use those first before going free float. Push and pull yourself along, it's way safer then kicking off something and floating. You have no idea where you're going to go if you mis-time a push." Then a flash, there is no sound in space. But there is pressure, radiation and light. And it was the light that hit him first. A few minutes later Neil Patrick Stienhauer opened his eyes. He'd been knocked out? What the hell knocked you out in space? He's drifting spinning slowly on his back, he could only see the dark void out beyond. He coughed a little. And looked up, that wasn't right. He had been clipped to a handrail moments before. Which had been attached to a shaded section of the station. But now all that's there is the handrail. He turned and got his first look of the remains of the station. He'd been drifting it seems after whatever tore it apart. He floated there for awhile just looking. little blooms of sparks and flame from this or that destroyed section could be seen. It's tragic. And he figured for that first little bit that he's alone. He'd been thrown clear, was everyone else as lucky? Was he the last person left alive? Then he heard it, "Does anyone receive me?" "I hear you Ellie." Two separate voices. He heaved a glad sigh then keyed into that com line, "Ellie? Who else is that? King?" He hit his booster to get him closer to the hulk, "What the hell just happened?" He cut the thrust after a short 2 second burst, to get him moving towards the remains of the station at the least.