"One hundred sovereigns," she counters immediately. "And yes, I'm ready to leave - I'll just need to pick up my luggage from the room I rented and settle my account there, and can be at the dock by eight o'clock tonight," she estimates. "I'll assume," she continues, giving a meaningful once-over of the somewhat shady establishment, "That your ship's passenger list won't be showing up on any Imperial manifest?" The wine long-forgotten, she folds her hands in her lap for lack of anything better to do with them. "Also, you'll receive half payment now, and the other half once we arrive - an incentive, perhaps, against scuttling me or my things in the event that you attract any of the wrong sort of attention again," she adds a bit dryly. "If we have a deal, I'll head to the boarding house now, and meet you back at the docks. Where are you anchored?" she asks, already drawing her hood more securely over her hair in preparation for leaving.