Victoria held on tight to Bur'nak as they went through the trees to Creeds teritory and she had to admit she was a bit worried for she wanted to keep Bur'nak safe and she also wanted to pretect the other werewolves that were not involved in this stupid war. Once at the place and being placed onto the ground and looked out at the place. But she soon couched once he started spraying her with the perfume for it caught her off guard for a second and looked at him as he sniffered her and went over the plan. "Alright then just becareful Bur'nak and do not under estimate my older brother he is pretty smart unlike my father." Victoria explained to him for her brother was cunning if they were not careful he cold get them to do something they would never normally do. She took the perfume and soaps he packed for her so she would use it. But the only thing she did not like was when he started to rip some of her clothes up and placed mud on her face along with messing her hair up. But she knew it was to look the part. But she did blush when he said that she looked cute all dissary but she shook it off and heard the howl. SHe felt his hand on her cheek and she looked at him. "Be safe Bur'nak." SHe siad to him before watching him run off and she turned and made her way to Creeds castle. She walked down the path as she carried the bag of soap and perfume moving brush, branches and other stuff out of her way as she walked. She soon made her way to the castle and saw Creed and used her vampire speed and made her self appear in front of him. "SO this is the famous Creed I have heard so much about from my stupid so call father that banished me." She said to Creed with a smirk trying to look that part. "Must forgive my attire my fathers vampire goons have been trying to kill me that past few days and I wanted to come here to help with you defeating the vampires back in the vampire kingdom." SHe said to him with her arms crossed. Alexander was looking at some papers as he walked through the gardens as he lsitened to his generals talk about strategies and other stuff but his mind was still on his stupid sister.