"Icecream?" Raine's loud, deep, and hopeful voice rang out as he exited the stairwell. He ducked his head quickly to avoid clocking his face into the door frame, though it didn't stop his glasses from catching and being knocked off of the top of his head. Though thankfully they didn't go far, having gotten tangled in his mass of blueish-black hair that was all bundled up at the nape of his neck with a few uneven strands being held in place with bobby pins. Ignoring his glasses for the moment though, his attention quickly turns towards Ayashe, who happened to be closest to the door. His face, much despite the dark circles that could be found under his pale green eyes, was rather lively and filled with hope at the prospect of icecream. He looked like he had just rolled out of bed, and in truth, it was quite possible. A large, red hooded sweater, his favorite pair of jeans that were missing the entire right pant-leg under his knee, the bright neon green socks... Things he often wore when he was relaxing, or napping. But seeing as his hair wasn't trying to stick up in fifty different places and there were no strange drool marks on his chin, the first suggestion was the case. "...If you are going out, please?" He asked, his voice now much softer than it had been just a few moments ago. It wasn't often he dared ask anything of others, be it because of his usual silence or the fact that he'd rather do it himself. But Raine knew his limits well. And running about while tired was never a wise choice for him, unless he wanted to end up napping on a bench somewhere. Again.