Since the dawn of Mankind we have told stories about demons and angels, divine saviors and monstrous destroyers of worlds. However, the stories are true, well some of them are anyway. Angels and Demons used to fight but have enters a cold war of sorts, the monsters fearful of being hunted have fled deep into forest and jungles, preying on the foolish. Magic has become more common among man and the study of it broken into groups and defining abilities. Other gifts like magic have found there way into human gene-pool, thus the a secret society formed between these few, they called themselves [i]The Keys of Solomon[/i]. [b]The Keys[/b] The Keys are those that are part of this strange world and have abilities that pertain to combat the supernatural and spiritual. As such they have been ordered by abilities into a system that breaks them down by powers. White Ranger: Humans, yet more primal they can smell demons hear heartbeats and taste blood on the wind. They are master's of every weapon and can wield them unmatched. Trained in stealth and Demonology they really on there knowledge and skills to get by. Can be defeat by the over powering of senses or kill by any basic means, they posses no magic yet strangely they also seem to lack ability to be injured by magic make them valuable scouts and assassin's, ethereal targets prove to be difficult however. Mage: Humans born with the talents of magic spells are learned and controlled with a simple mantra of words, some can use hand movements however for basic spell casting. Mages have been divided into sub types. Elemental- The most common type of Mage, these mage's use a magic that relates back to a element of nature, they are often capable of incredible power but severely limited in scope. Example: A Ice mage can freeze a enemy solid yet if they are immune to Ice attacks the Ice mage is useless. Druid- These well respected and admired Mages are almost exclusive to the Native American peoples, yet outlying case's have been found. They share a deep connection to the world around and animals in it, they can call upon the world to aid them and use phrases and keyword rather than sentences or mantra's. Divination- A skill uncommon yet valuable, Divination while allowing some foresight is better still for the fact it allows other's to share thoughts, telepathic communications, and healing. Spiritual and psychical those focus here are often supporters and strong one's at that. Godly- No, those with this power are not the strongest they are simple the most diverse and different. They are a God's chosen Champion and wield powers, very similar to the gods, albeit very weaker than the god they worship, this is only way for a normal human to gain entry to society of Keys. Crusader: These humans are highly capable warriors who naturally recover from wounds quickly, they tend to use there strength and endurance in combination with a sword and shield. Humans with the blood of Angels often have relics in there family, many noble family's and knightly orders have those with Angelic blood in them. They are paragons of ideal traits however they generally come off as entitled and snobbish as they see others as weaker. Scoundrel: Those who share there humanity with Demon blood often run in high circles... Of a different nature. They are cunning and clever, using traps and tricks to fool and manipulate making experts at politics and business. They are ruthless and will do what they have to stay ahead, those with Demon blood often take joy in sick things yet are almost always watching there backs, as Scoundrels are quick to descend upon one another, craving what the other has. These individuals know the truth and thus White Rangers who come across children with these gifted convince them to join them, for training. Goetia, a school for those with gifts to train them. You are this years class. This Roleplay will involve hunting demons and monsters while also attending a school to assist in master your powers, please keep all characters to high school age. Character sheet is below. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Race: Age: Appearance: Personality: Description: Spells: (If applies.) Gear: (If applies.) [/hider]