[b]Name:[/b] [url=http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4sgqcl&s=8]Raven Bonnay[/url] [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Playful, Sociable, Sweet, Protective, Childish, Manipulative, Abrasive, & Venomous.[/i] Raven is quite the contradiction appearing as one thing but acting as another. One would think the doe eyed girl holds a secret agenda though she’ll quickly put that notion to rest if asked. Like a chameleon Raven uses empathy to her advantage to quickly relate to strangers or acquaintances, and build relationships. Able to mesh well with almost any crowd she need not worry about being singled out, which is a great advantage especially given one of her talents. [b]Appearance:[/b] Layers of long wavy hair is neatly brushed up into two shiny ponytails with a portion dyed snow white on the right side. Side swept bangs cannot conceal an ever present mischievous glint in alluringly large greyish eyes. Whether that characteristic is unnerving or captivating lay only with the beholder. Raven is a slender little thing reaching a height of five foot four, give or take. Adorable would be the first word to describe the alabaster Lolita as she resembles a porcelain doll with long thick eye lashes, flawlessly pale skin, and a radiant smile--albeit a ravishing adult version of a child's toy. [b]Tether:[/b] A medium and communicated with spirits all through her years. She was very susceptible to trickery and unfortunately fell to a scheme. Was manipulated and invited a malevolent spirit to share her body. Something happened during possession and they fused together unable to depart. She is able to share this entities emotions, thoughts, and abilities. Sometimes she cannot control what it decides to do or try to do but she was able to learn to counteract its hateful sway at times. [b]Ability:[/b] [url=http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Pain_Manipulation]Pain manipulation[/url] [b]Talents:[/b] 1. [i]You’re getting sleepy:[/i] One thing her [s]fake[/s] psychic mother taught her well was how to bullshit out of any situation. She is highly persuasive and a decent liar. 2. [i]Ooo, piece of candy:[/i] A bit of a klepto Raven often swipes anything and everything that catches her eye. Like a perfectly timed dance Raven has become so good at theft that hardly anyone notices. Her movements so natural or swift that witnesses doubt what they saw or never saw her at all. 3. [i]Hipbone connected to the…:[/i] Raven has always wanted to become a nurse and began studying Anatomy at a fairly young age. Especially with her "curse" she can better understand ways to help aid those in pain--or make it worse. [b]Recent history:[/b] ‘Does not play well with others’, ‘too many imaginary friends’, and ‘pathological liar’ among other observations or titles were given to the peculiar little girl. Therapists often accused her run-away mother as they are often to blame when the child shows any sign of unwarranted uniqueness. This situation made especially vulgar as Raven’s mother was a well-known psychic though years later everyone discovered the truth, and the Bonnay's became a laughing stock. Madam Celestine was in fact a fake and had been smuggling people’s hard earned money for ages. Before police could arrest her for fraud and theft she ditched her husband and ten year old daughter, remorseless. With learning that the family had no ties to the supernatural it was always a wonder how Raven managed to “contract” mediumship. A curse perhaps but something sinister soon sunk its fangs into her impressionable mind. Learning that her behavior and gifts were unacceptable Raven was instructed by her father to hide them best she could. Beckoning voices are difficult to ignore however, and their pleas were heart wrenching especially to a young girl who only wanted to help those in need. Misery loves company and some spirits are quite deceiving, and one fateful day changed everything. Soon after Raven could no longer ignore what she had become...