"I will dad. Be safe." Carl opened the gate for the cars to drive thru then quickly shut them when the drove off. "Think they'll be ok with Lara?" Maggie turned to Carl. "Yea, I think so. Besides, he's not going alone." Carl turned to head back to the prison with Maggie. Janet snapped herself out of her train of thought when Rick talked to Carl. "We need to take care of the Governor as soon as possible. That kind of man isn't just going to leave us be, that much he's made clear. Sam and I could sneak into Woodberry and kill him that way. Sam is a good shot after all. Then we'd be done with it." Janet didn't like knowing that she was being watched by that asshole, but she knew better then to go off on her own without Rick knowing. The Governor was watching the prison from the woods when he saw two cars leave. "Follow them. I want to know where they go, and when they stop." He was cold with his words and turned to Martinez. "If you see Michonne grab her. If not grab anyone else. This time we won't screw this up."