The Tsar received The Priminster with a smile and a firm hand, "Good Afternoon Sir," he said, "And the pleasure is all mine," looking behind him to see if the rest of the delegations had arrived he furrowed his eyebrows, instead of dwelling ok that though he went to shake the hand of the other official that had accompanied the Priminister, "You must be the Minister of the armed forces, it's an honor to meet you." turning around to look at the other pilots he ordered two to stay on the ground to receive the other delegations and to call for more hornets if they brought guests with them. The airmen nodded to their Tsar and continued to check their birds, "care for a flight, Priminister Wilde?" asked Voltus, "Minister McRagear, if you would not mind, could you join airman Feniker in his hornet." the Tsar pointed to the Gyrokopter to the right of his. Walking around he climbed into his cockpit and did the system checks before turning on the motors, they spun to life instantly, the electric motors not needing nearly as much time to start up as a conventional engine. Slipping his headphones on he called overwatch, "Overwatch, this is Blue-gold, do you copy over?" "Blue-gold, this is Overwatch, e copy and you are clear to be recieved up here." said a radio operator from the other side of the transmittion, turning around Voltus yelled over the sound of the chopping blades, "Priminister Wilde, if you would please board the back seat and put on the headphones, I'd appreciate it!" as he finished yelling the other hornet thrummed to life and both were primed for take off.