Andrea listened as the Governor told Martinez his careful instructions. What was he going to do once he nabbed someone? Make a trade for Michonne? She had to keep from snorting. It wasn't going to happen. She knew Rick would never fall for that. After all, he hadn't bartered for Glenn and Maggie. He just blew a hole in the place and [i]took[/i] them back. She shot a glance at Merle Dixon's back. He followed Martinez. She hated that man. Rick finished rolling the window up, keeping a careful eye on the road and all around it. He didn't want any nasty surprises, dead or alive. "We'll take care of him eventually. Right now, I think we should gather our strength. The man has buddies. Taking out the head won't necessarily take out the entire body." Lara agreed with Rick. The Governor had a pretty loyal team of soldiers and, let's face it, [i]fangirls.[/i] It wasn't likely just killing him would solve much. It wouldn't be long before someone organized a group big enough to mow over Rick's in a matter of seconds.