"One hundred twenty," Solomon replies, without missing a beat. "And eight o'clock works, the Claw will be prepped and ready to go by then," he assures her. His lips form a thin line and his eyes narrow as he continues to try and read her. "You won't have to worry about that," he says of the passenger list. "Having dealt with Imperials before, I'm not exactly looking forward to getting too close to them, or letting them look at my cargo," he says with a simple shrug. He nods to her words on the payment. "Half now, half on arrival," he agrees to that part, hints of amusement showing as he mentions scuttling her. He shakes his head. "I wouldn't do that, not after you played along with my little stunt earlier and saved my ass." When she mentions having a deal, he just looks at her, to see if she wants to make a counter offer or if she's accepting his. "Dock fifty five," a pause, "if you need help with your luggage, I can have someone from my crew meet you where you're staying," he says.