[center][url=G9ox44sTgh8]Rose Worth - Ravager[/url][/center] [center][b]Real Name:[/b] Rose Worth [b]Code Name:[/b] Ravager [b]Age[/b] 17 [b]Height[/b] 5'2" [b]Weight[/b] 108 pounds. [b]Date of birth[/b] December 27th 1997[/center] [center][b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://dvdbash.files.wordpress.com/2012/04/lost_emilie_de_ravin_claire_littleton_dvdbash_258.jpg[/img] [img]http://cdn.wegotthiscovered.com/wp-content/uploads/1587861-terror_titians_019_020.jpg[/img] [b]Prison Inmate Number:[/b] #6069[/center] [center][b]History[/b] Born to Lilian Worth on a cold December night in 1997, Rose Worth grew up as a very self-sufficient child. As her mother worked in a brothel for most of her life, Rose had learned at a very early age how to fend for herself. She attended the poorest of the schools, getting barely passing grades all through-out. It was hard to stay consistent when she was forced to move and attend an entirely new school almost twice a year. After she turned thirteen, Rose had already had enough and quit trying to strive academically. Over the years she continued to grow, spiteful of the mother that she never truly had who didn’t even have the knowledge as to who her real father was, since at the time of conception her mother lived a very… alternate lifestyle. After turning fourteen, things became more… complicated in Rose’s life. Upon coming home one night from spending a weekend at a friend’s, Rose found that her mother had yet to come home, and an hour later there were police at her door, explaining that her mother had been found dead. It was pegged as random gang violence with two gunshot wounds straight to the chest. The police were firm in hammering in the point that her mother had died quickly and painlessly, but Rose found that she couldn’t be brought to care either way. Rose ran before the cops could take her to any kind of foster home, putting it in her head that she would just be homeless for a while. It didn’t take long for Rose to get into trouble after that. Breaking into a convenient store in the dead of night, Rose was quickly apprehended by Nightwing, a well-known vigilante throughout the area and just as trained as The Bat himself. Nightwing had shown her mercy, recognizing how much of a hard time she was going through and instead of turning her in for breaking into a convenient store, he offered to train her. The years flew by and Rose found herself at sixteen years old, excellently trained, in an on-again-off-again relationship with Dick Grayson (who had revealed his identity to her shortly after they began training) and in cahoots with the Teen Titans. They were an odd bunch, the Teen Titans, but Rose wouldn’t have had it any other way. Rose became well practiced in combat; cleaning up the streets, helping those in need and putting the bad guys in their place. It was during one of her solo missions that Rose came upon a dual set of katana blades crafted for the League of Assassins themselves. She took them as her own and developed a more original style of fighting… a style that the Teen Titans didn’t approve of as her tactics became more callous, aiming for results rather than going about things the right way. Flying solo once again, Rose found herself under the capture of Lex Luthor. Drugged, sedated, and completely helpless, Rose was forced to undergo a series of experiments dealing with various chemicals the man had created on his own, though nothing she had been subjected to could have prepared her for the extraneous pain that was the Mirakuru. Immediately after injection, Rose began to bleed from the eyes, her mind no longer in control of her body as it thrashed around against the bindings that held her down. Her screams filled the building until finally, she collapsed, and presumed dead. Hours later, Rose jolted awake, buried deep inside a dumpster on the outskirts of town and miles away from where she had been last she had been conscious. Working on a way to get home, it was then that Rose realized the effects the Mirakuru had taken the liberty of in changing in her body. She was faster, stronger, more durable, had a higher endurance and agility. Her stamina was increased, her reflexes and speed faster and all senses deadly sharp… everything about her had increased to superhuman levels. Busy experimenting with her new-found talents, Rose nearly missed the shadow that flew above her. Despite her relationship with Nightwing and close relations with the other Teen Titans, Rose had never once met, nor seen The Bat, and so curiosity got the better of her and she followed, putting her new skills to the test. It was easy to track him, whether he knew she was there or not she did not know, but just as she was getting bored of watching… [i]he[/i] showed up. Of course she had heard of Deathstroke, he was just as famous as The Bat himself, though The Teen Titans looked down heavily on the type of man he was. A villain, most would call him, but Rose had yet to come to her own conclusions. She watched in a way that was nothing short of awe-inspiring as Deathstroke took on the Bat head-on, and seemed to be winning. She knew she should throw in her help to The Bat, the Teen Titans would expect it of her, but she found herself mesmerized and transfixed with the man in split-colored mask. Just as it had begun, it ended. The Bat and Deathstroke had gone their separate ways but what had been left in Rose’s soul was an impression, a forever need to be just like him in all ways possible and a burning desire to get to know him. Despite her best efforts, however, Deathstroke wasn’t ever to be seen again, not by her or any of the other Teen Titans. She decided then and there that she would leave the Teen Titans forever, leaving the close bonds created with the ties of friendship and her relationship with Nightwing behind… and find Deathstroke herself. A year later, and now seventeen years old, Rose holds a torch for the deadly mercenary that has long been missing from the streets for over a year by wearing his colors, ‘taking his place’ while she continues her search for him. It wasn’t until just a few days ago that she learned of his imprisonment, and started to hatch an idea as to how to spring him free.[/center] [center][b]Powers/Abilities[/b] She has received some training from Dick Grayson, including many lectures on the virtues of being a hero. She also possesses a precognitive sense that lets her see into the immediate future (only about two to five seconds at a time) which she has had since birth, but wasn’t discovered until her training with Nightwing. This allows her to react to oncoming attacks against her and to counter them accordingly. She currently wields twin energy katanas that can cut through anything, and briefly [i]merge[/i] them into an energy shield. She also carries with her a small stash of adrenaline, both because she is addicted to the substance, and also because while high on adrenaline her precognitive sense evolves into the ability to glimpse scenes from her immediate future. However, the more she uses adrenaline to enhance her powers, the more her metabolism is unbalanced, straining her health. Thanks to the Mirakuru running through her blood, each and every one of her abilities has been enhanced to a super-human level, making her all-the-more deadly.[/center] [center][b]Other:[/b] Rose is addicted to all things bad for her; adrenaline, cigarettes, alcohol, dangerous men and harder drugs. She uses her sexuality to gain the advantage where fists and fury would otherwise get her nowhere. She enjoys making men squirm and has a habit of kissing and touching those she intends to kill to put them off guard, though only finding a sexual release when she watches the life draining from the eyes of her victims. Also, being Half Australian, Rose has a heavy Australian accent.[/center] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dazqqUKvgoo]Rose Voice Sample[/url][/center]