Nex was bored, so very, very bored. He was walking the streets of New Torrea, looking for something fun to do, when he saw a bright ed poster on the wall. He walked up to it, taking a moment to piece together what it may have been about, he smiled. Fighting a giant monster was always fun, so very fun. Now then, to find the area where he was supposed to meet this Hazel person. He walked around for quite a bit, asked some directions, hit a few dead ends, and almost got mugged a couple of times(it didn't end well for the muggers), but he finally found where the meeting sight was, and by the looks of things so far, was the only one to have arrived so far. Walking over to the lady that seemed to be waiting for people, he held out the poster in front of him, a wide smile on his face as he did so. "It says here that you need some help fighting a monster, well , Nex here wishes to help. I'm really good at fighting monsters, like, extremely good. So, are we waiting on other people to show or what. Oh, and are you the Hazel person that put these out, or just someone else who found a flyer?"