[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Jafar.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Signatures/Freya.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Red]Jafar Sholeh[/color] and [color=DarkOrchid]Freya Beauchamp[/color] - Present Evening - The Moors Castle[/h1][/center] [i]Standing up straight she turned around as the sound of Jafar's voice hit her ears surprise written all over her face as understanding dawned over her features her hands dropping to her side and her gaze turning away from his gaze, "How much did you hear...?"[/i] Glancing up to Freya from the letter he was holding in his hand, his narrow shoulders shrugged half-heartedly. "Enough." He replied quietly, letting his brown eyes settle back down on the loopy penmanship that Jafar had become all too familair with over the years. With his free hand, he tapped the parchment with the backs of his fingertips looking back to Freya. "You still putting up with this guy?" He asked, the makings of jealousy interlaced into his delivery. "I put up for him for reasons in which you already know of Jafar... He is the one who supplies us with not only the technology that helps to run the Kingdoms, but he also supplies the castle with meats and pelts from his hunts." Bringing her arms up like she had done earlier on while talking to Scar she folded her arms over her chest again, "As much as I hate to admit it, he is the best hunter in the lands, so until I am proven wrong, I will continue to keep him in my service..." "I'd like to turn [i]him[/i] into a pelt..." Jafar grumbled, letting his hand heat up until the letter caught fire. His dark eyes watched the parchment go up in flames, only to crumble into ash in his hand, his own skin remaining cool despite the fire that lapped at it, as his own magic, fire included, had no affect on him. Once the letter was no more, he wiped his hands together to dispell of the remaining ash on his hand before he let his eyes look back to Freya. "Can we just put him in the fish tank with The Sea Witch?" Jafar asked, returning back to their almost similar conversation with why she put up with Ursula for as long as she had. Her expression relaxed her smile returning to her lips as she nodded in answer to his question the notion of placing Gaston into a giant fish tank with Ursula was quite entertaining however if they went with the plan of having it in their bed chambers the idea of being watched by those she hated was not something she could get used to. "We can do that, however thinking about that particular plan, I would rather not have the tank located in the bed chambers with us." Her smile faltered at her words her gaze once more turning down and away from him as she spoke her mind wandering back to linger on Scar's last words about her forcing her love upon him without any feelings being reciprocated. "You do not need to stay by my side if it is something you do not wish to do... I do not wish to force myself nor my love upon you if it is unwelcome and unwanted." His smile at Freya playing along with his theoretical idea dropped the moment he noticed her eyes lowering. He could practically see the thoughts that were coming across her mind even before she spoke them. Halfway through her talking, Jafar took a single step in her direction, closing the distance of twenty or so feet between them by disappearing in a wall of flame only to reappear behind her in flames once again, finishing his step as the flames disappated and his arms wrapped around her middle, pulling her into him and resting his chin on her shoulder. "Don't give the pussy cat the satisfaction of detouring your thoughts." He told her gently, moving his nose to the side of her hair that fell down her shoulders so that he could speak into her pointed ear. "He is prideful as he is over-muscled, his manipulation and persuasion skills a more potent weapon than his strength. You can't give in... you already know this, Mal..." Bringing his lips away from her ear, but only a few inches, Jafar stiffled a light chuckle but was unsuccessful. "You know, he would make a very handsome throw rug... and when he gets dirty you can take him out and beat him over the side of the balcony, maybe drop him a time or two by accident..." Her heart fluttered slightly feeling light in her chest as she felt his arms slip around her waist pulling her back into his body causing her to lift her head up looking back over her shoulder at him her eyes flicking up to meet his unable to help as her lips once more took on the smile that was saved only for him. "I know... But it is hard to think in any other way when what he says has truth to it. Thirteen years ago this relationship began the way that he says it did. I forced it upon you when you did not wish for it to happen." Turning her gaze back around she looked out the door at the balcony a gentle laugh sounding through her lips as she thought about beating the pelt of the lion out on the stone railing. "If we punish any more of my pawns, we won't have enough left to play the game..." Ignoring her latter comment, more focused on her first, Jafar side-stepped around her, moving his arms up to her bare shoulders and holding her there until he was facing her, chest to chest. "I don't care about the past Mal... Freya..." He said, his eyes softening with his brows coming together in a sincere look across his face. "We both have pasts yes, you have yours, and I have mine, and we have ours together, but I don't care about any of that..." He paused for a moment, letting his hands move up and down her arms in a comforting gesture and letting that sink in with her. He didn't care about [i]her[/i] past, he was over it and willing to accept it after just a couple hours to himself in the gardens. "What we have [i]now[/i]... [i]that[/i] is real to me, and I won't ever let it, or you go no matter what kitty muscles has to say about it. You [i]love[/i] me, and that is good enough for me to live out the rest of my days in happiness." Hesitating for a moment she lifted her head up her eyes once more looking deeply into his searching him for answers to questions that she wasn't sure whether she wanted to ask him or not though the answers she sought came to her as he began speaking his touch keeping her calm and relaxed. "I do love you. As I told you before, everything I said to you earlier is completely true. Having you by my side is something I would like to have as an option for my future, but I will not force it upon you just as I forced this relationship on you the moment that we met." Despite to what he was feeling on the inside at her stubborness continuing to beat herself down because of Scar's words, he smiled. "You helped me to understand my power, Freya." He said, trying to use her true name as much as he could to get his tongue used to it for when they were alone. "I don't think anything after that was forced contrary to what may have been said or done afterwards." Keeping his soft smile, he moved one hand up her arm to brush away her lock of hair curtaining the side of her face, pushing it up and over one of her horns so that it would stay there. "I love you too, and I have for a very, very long time. It took me to allow myself to finally put my past behind me to realize it, but it's always been there... and it always will be." Her lips parted slightly her eyes closing as she watched him lift her lock of hair up before draping it over one of her horns keeping it in it's place upon her head her cheeks turning a soft shade of red at the three words he spoke that couldn't help but cause her heart to race in her chest. "You make my heart race whenever you call me by my name and whenever you say that you love me..." Moving his hand from her hair, he trailed it down her arm and found her hand. Lifting it up, he placed it onto his chest over his heart where she could feel it beating frantically against his chest. "Just being near you does the same to me. You can only imagine what you do to me when you say the same things..." Her heart skipped a beat as she continued to feel his beating in his chest under her hand her smile growing slightly before she paused for a moment her eyes dropping to his chest her as she brough her hands up resting them softly on his shoulders as she thought back to that morning when they had been speaking until it turned into an argument between them. "I am sorry about our earlier conversation... I never meant to upset you in the way that I did... I know that I did wrong, please, can you ever find it in my heart to forgive me..?" "You didn't upset me." Jafar began to explain, his smile faultering, his face returning to the look of concern and sincerity he had held for her just a few moments ago. Taking both his hands down her arms, he found each of her hands once again and linked them together, pressing them between their bodies level with their hearts. "I was simply caught off guard, but upset with you is something I could never be. But if my forgiveness that will help ease your mind, then you shall have it." He bent his neck forward a bit, stooping down to press her lips to her forehead in a tender kiss, keeping their hands together between them. Smiling softly she let her gaze lingering on their hands now pressed between the two of them her long dark locks falling over her shoulder though her horns keeping them from falling over her face as she closed her eyes once more enjoying the feeling of his lips against her forehead. "Your forgiveness is the only one in which I seek. Your word the only one that matters to me. Your love the only one that I crave." Slipping her hand from his she brought it up pressing her palm against his cheek as she moved her body closer against his, "And if keeping you means that I need to face my past, then ask away, I will answer anything you wish to know my dear." Turning his head, using his now free hand to remove the dark red turban from his head and tossing it to the side, he pressed his lips to her palm, letting his hand rest on the small of her back to bring her even closer to him. "Questions for another time, my love. But tonight, I want to push away those thoughts Scar has seeded into your mind regarding my love for you, uproot them and toss them away... forever..." He turned his head a bit, the tips of their noses connecting as he brushed it side to side in a soft Eskimo Kiss. "...If my Queen allows it..." He finished, his smile showing that he only used the title to lighten the mood. Turning her head she watched him toss aside his turban before her back arched bringing her closer against him her hands slipping further over his shoulders to wrap around his neck pulling him closer to her down to her level. "When you wish to ask them, I am willing to answer." Her cheeks turned a brighter shade of red as she leant her head up to brush back and forth against his nose her smile growing wider with every moment that she was in his embrace his love and afffection something that she had found herself craving over the years passed by them, "I am not just your Queen... Never again will I just be your Queen..." Pausing for a moment she let her eyes flick to his lips before letting them lift back up to catch his eyes curious to see his reaction, "..My King..." A quiet shudder rolled over his spine, causing his muscles to tense slightly all the way up to his shoulders where she would be able to feel it, all the while exhaling out a breath he hadn't realized that had been caught in his throat at the term she used to describe him. Unable to help his own eyes flickering down to her lips as she had looked to his, his smile widened a fraction, trying to laugh out but his breath got caught again so he settled for running his hand up and down her back gently. "No, you are much more than that." He agreed. "You are my life." "As you are now mine." Her arms released her tight grip around his neck as she pulled away her hands sliding down his arms until she slipped them into his own leading him across the room and over to the bed gesturing for him to sit down and relax, climbing up onto the bed she crawled behind him her breasts pressing against his back as she reached up her hands sliding up his sides before her fingers pushed into his shoulders working to help remove the tense knots that had worked his way through his body. Tilting her head to the side she waited for all her hair to fall over one shoulder before she leant in pressing her lips softly against his neck her warm breath flowing over his skin. "But how about I help you to relax first my dear." A soft groan escaped his otherwise tight lips, his eyes flitting closed feeling her hands starting to work out the tension that the day's events had brought down on him. Exhaling a short breath, he tried to turn his head to look at her, to protest that it was [i]he[/i] who was to take care of [i]her[/i] but she had somehow read his mind and stopped him short by planting a kiss on his neck; an area where she fully knew how sensitive he was, and his eyes closed tighter. "Freya..." He tried, a pitiful attempt to have her stop, but it was all he had in him. Smiling softly against the nape of his neck she pressed her fingers harder into his shoulders as she tried her best to rid him of the stress that she had helped to inflict onto him in the first place, leaning in closer to him she pressed herself harder into his back her knees working to move her closer as she curved her body to the shape of him a gentle chuckle escaping through her lips until she pulled back slightly her eyes flicking up to meet his though she kept the intimacy close between them. "Yes Jafar..? Is something the matter with me wishing to take care of the man that I love..? To rid him of the stress I caused?" "I..." Jafar paused, feeling a particular knot being worked out from his shoulder that had been bugging him for a few days now. "...take care..." A low groan came from deep within his chest as the knot continued to loosen, bringing a wave of pleasure and relief over his shoulder and all the way down his back. "...y-you..." His head dropped down away from her touch, hanging uselessly with his chin touching his chest pulling the muscles that Freya was working on tight so that she could get the smaller areas. He knew he wasn't going to win this argument; and he was just fine with that. Her hands slowly worked their way lower her fingers sliding down his back causing her nails to brush over him her lips once more pressing against the nape of his neck as she let them part slightly gently biting down for a few moments before she pulled away again. "You have taken care of me for the last thirteen years of our lives Jafar... It is high time that I begin to return the love and kindness that you have shown me..." Closing her eyes she pressed her lips against him leaving a slow trail of kisses leading down from his neck and over his shoulder her fingers pressing hard into his back working her way over his body in hopes that she could relax him as much as she could, "Do you not want me to do so..?" "Okay..." Unable to help it even if he wanted to, Jafar melted back into Freya's figure, reveling in the way her body felt pressed up so close to his, his tight muscles loosening by her body heat alone. "But... but just the once..." Leaning her body to the side she slipped herself away from him causing his body to softly fall back onto the mattress below them shifting her own body until she was laying over him her hands holding up the bottom of her saree as she straddled his lap, lifting her hand up she clicked her fingers the sound of a lock sliding shut echoing around the room ensuring them privacy as she leant down her breasts pressing hard against his chest and her lips pressing gently against his own. "Aurora and the sea witch can dine alone with the rest of my men. I think we should call for dinner later... Do you not agree my love..?" With his breath catching in his throat as Freya was behind him one moment and back on top of him the next, his dark eyes looked up at her looking to be a mixure of fear, desire, and absolute helplessness. Running the tip of his tongue over his lower (very dry) lip, the sorcerer was reduced to a simple nod, unable to find enough blood in his brain to formulate any words before hungrily pulling her back down on him for their lips to meet once more.