[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/763c15196c5131c9f8a3c5f92e185351/tumblr_mn47y66Hc81rmceijo1_500.gif[/img][/center] At this point, Slade didn't know what was putting him off more; the fact that Catman was not following the guidelines, or the fact that Ravager was looking for approval by him in every action she was taking. Her flirting and her surprisingly bright nature in the face of danger was a slight but still present addition that fueled the Mercenary's frustration. Despite his agitation, he still could muster enough power to keep a straight face, lightly slapping Ravager's hand as she asked for permission to hitch a bike. "Let's leave fun for later. For now, I need your blades to do the work." Slade had previously noticed that his copy cat bore a set of extremely versatile blades, with the sharpness of a high-frequency sword but not crafted from the same material. He would have noticed. They seemed to cut through layers of rough substance with relative ease, and it was exactly that said attribute which would help the team progress their escape. The APCs were equipped with cutting edge hardware. What was keeping Task Force X, or what was left of it, from sure escape was the locked door, which needed a code AND a retinal scan to unlock, an obstacle which Slade didn't anticipate. His sword couldn't do any damage, while Cap's explosive boomerangs would either risk blowing the entire car up or would serve no purpose. Their only choice was Ravager, or rather her weapons. Deathstroke side stepped from the girl's way, extending his palm towards the car in a suggestive fashion, at the same time throwing a glance at Cap Boomer. "How's your driving?"