[img]http://www.nintendofuse.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Redhead_Gamer_by_ChicoChan.jpg[/img] Name: Cassandra "Cassy" Riffin Age: 17 Gender: Female Personality: Cassy is the exact opposite of her twin sister, Anais. She is not energetic and rather cynical. Instead of striving for better things or improving herself, Cassy is content to take things as they come. She may be appear standoffish, but she would never be outright cold or cruel. She hates confrontations and tries to avoid them as much as possible. When push comes to shove, she will back down simply because she feels there's no point in changing someones mind who is dead set. This however, doesn't stop her from giving her say in the matter though. Rather than socializing at big parties, Cassy prefers a small dedicated group of friends that congregate at the local pizza place or at anyone's house that has a game console. She is learning to expand her horizons ever since she joined the drama club last year. Acting and performing in front of others has taught her to throw shame out the window in certain situations. History: Born into a very conservative family was Cassy's first of many head aches. Not only did her family demand properness, but they also were perfectionists. Cassy's twin sister Anais excelled at pretty much everything she took up. This is fine by Cassy, she never intended to be number one. Except her parents expect the same from her too! Elementary school was a nightmare for Cassy. Everyday she and her sister were drilled to read books above their grade level and do math that she wouldn't use until high school. By the time she was in high school, it became clear that Cassy refused to keep up with her sister. Her parents seemed to have given up and focus their attention on Anais (which is what Cassy wanted in the first place.) Her upbringing has made her shun perfectionists, but did give her a healthy respect for good literature. Dinners at her house has mostly devolved into "Guess what your sister did today?" Now Cassy just wants to finish up school so she can find her own apartment and never hear what her sister did.