[h2]New Torrea[/h2][h3]Tsubasa[/h3] Moving through the bustle of the city slowed him significantly; by the time he got to the gates, there was already someone speaking to the well-dressed woman with an overly large blade who must have been the contact. The poster had said she was a knight commander or something of the sort, and despite her slight frame she did have the look about her of one who had seen a lot of combat. The sword at her back had been well used and well maintained. The other person talking to her looked to be a young man with a...somewhat disturbed look to him. Tsubasa slowed his gait by a half step, using the extra time as he walked towards them to analyze the area. He took note of every entrance, every exit, every door to every building. Which street was most crowded, which was empty, which nook would hide him and which cranny would give him away. Someone was sitting on a bench, appearing to read. But their observation skills weren't half bad; he'd used that method himself a few times, and it required a great deal of subtlety. Competition...or perhaps, the news that he was being targeted had already reached Donat, and he had dispatched some of his own agents? Though his eyes were hidden beneath the rim of his hood and the white, puffy fur lining around it, Tsubasa kept the observer in the corner of his sight as he approached Hazael and Nex. "'Scuse me. I'm here about that same flier." he spoke up, loud enough for them both to hear him. "I'm not that great at monster hunting...but I'm good at getting jobs done." He looked meaningfully at Hazael. "So, care to explain a little more about this job?"