One ON One Role-Play partner wanted. [color=f26522][u][b][i]Things I do not like[/i][/b][/u][/color] I don't like responding to one small paragraph, so please write either a few small paragraphs or a couple large ones. I tend to respond based on what my partner has given me to react to. It makes it very difficult for me to craft a good plot if there isn't much to work with. I don't like posts that consist mostly of your character getting up in the morning, showering, making breakfast yada yada yada. It's find to do these things as long as that isn't the only thing you are doing. I've found that people tend to throw that stuff in there to fill the paragraph requirement. I don't like it when writing falls into that pattern. It's redundant and gets boring very quickly. I don't like rushed posts. What I mean is that it's something thrown together in a couple minutes, poorly written and riddled with spelling mistakes. If I have a hard time understanding what is being written, I'll probably talk to you about it. [color=a2d39c]I'm also open to doing doubles if that makes you more comfortable. [/color] I often do Fantasy Role-Plays because something supernatural always seems to liven up the Role-Play. I prefer to have action in the Role-Play, without it I get bored. I prefer to Role-Play as a female and do a better job doing so, but I can also play as a male. Writing amount: On average 2-3 large paragraphs or more depending on how interested I am in the plot. As far as setting, I don't mind what it is as long as you explain the rules I believe I can do it. Here is a sample of my writing. [hider=From Spell-Weaver Wizard Fantasy Rp] Clara glanced sideways at the figure who now stood by her side. She saw the odd warm weather clothes he had sported, but quickly saw the runes. It made sense now why he didn't seem uncomfortable. Her eyebrows raised slightly. So this was the famed wizard of the southern isles. His name and his tales even reached her ears up in the northern wilderness that she called home. Then again, a wizard of such ability was bound to have tales and rumors spread throughout the land. After more people arrived and settled into the crowd, the king stood. The room fell silent, "Welcome spell-weavers!", his voice rang throughout the hall. "I see some have come from a far off to aid our kingdom in it's time of need and for that, I'm eternally grateful." He smiled and gave a small bow. "In case you are wondering, the rumors of the southern temple are true. Very recently, we have lost all contact with them due to the appearance of some sort of barrier or dome that seems to have entrapped those within it's boundaries. I've sent my armies and no common tool or weapon can penetrate it's walls. It is beyond my abilities to help the southern temple." The room began to hum with murmurings. This barrier must be powerful to withstand something as powerful as the kings forceful assault. Nothing physical can penetrate it? Was it like hitting stone or some other substance when struck? When the king rose his hands for quiet, the magi fell silent once again. "My kingdom beseeches you! You, who have harnessed the power and wisdom of magic! He or she who is able to free the temple will, along with our eternal gratitude, be granted the position of royal court magistrate as well as the title of grand wizard of Lorelei!", after that being said the great hall filled with roars of confidence from the witches and wizards eager to prove their might. The journey from the city of Lorelei to the northern temple border took either weeks or days depending on how they traveled. Some went on foot, others on horseback or carriage. Some even used their abilities to transport themselves to the southern temple, but Clara wanted to conserve her strength for the fear of breaching the barrier. She did not like the warm southern weather, it was sticky and the air was thick and soupy. Clara was more accustomed to the cold bitter climates of the north. She sighed feeling sweat on her brow as her and many others who had formed caravans had finally began to draw near to the barrier. Her eyes widened with a mixture of excitement and awe. What she saw, was what seemed to be a electric blue bubble reaching high into the heavens on the horizon. It grew bigger and bigger as they got closer. Cries of wonder and fear spread throughout the caravans, but it only encouraged Clara to eagerly push onward. They continued on to the point where they were a couple hundred feet from the great opaque wall that separated them from the area known as the southern temple. Clara, now dressed for the warmer climate, had dismounted her horse to get a better look at the barrier without fear of her beast getting spooked. The bright blue wall seemed to pulsate with wild energy. It was so alien to many of the mages, that several of them simply stared at it. It wasn't long before they started murmuring amongst themselves about ways to approach it. These discussions soon grew into heated arguments until someone had finally had enough of it, and threw a ball of flame at the dome only for it to be absorbed into it. More and more elemental wizards and witches threw spells at it with no progress. Clara simply watched with hungry eyes to see if any of their efforts would make a difference. She was fully content with them wasting their energy. [/hider] [color=39b54a][b]Here are some Themes and Pairings I like to do. Right now I would like to do anyone of these.[/b][/color] Based on vediogames: The Legend of Zelda (Ocarina of Time/ Majora's Mask/ Wind Waker/ Twilight Princess) [s]Dragon Age (Origins and DA2)[/s] Skyrim Here are some more generalized pairings I like to do: Demon/Demon Werewolf/Human Vampire/Human Maid/Master Mistress/Servant Peasant/Nobleman Noblewoman/Peasant These are more Generalized themes that we can discuss in terms of plot: Beasts ((Animals that have semi human forms. Mythical creatures also.) Assassins Experiments Elementals Mutants (like the X-men)