-I have a number of my friends that are both male and female that are gay or lesbian. With myself, I do not have a problem with them being married or being with each other as not married. That is not an issue with me, as I am an agnostic in real life: I have 'no common religion reason' to be against their wishes to be together. There is no longer any mental rational reason to be against them. Same sex couples have been around thousands of years, even predating any know current religions. Therefore, I cannot find any rational reason to be against them with their practice. -If I do find someone willing to role-play this theory out, I do request that the other person that role plays with me is another woman. Reason for this reason: "If we do role play with this subject, a real life male would invalidate the mission to understand the subject better". I am not saying a male cannot role play as a woman, but, with this topic it can give more or less a male rational with the plusses of the relationship, or, the negative rational problem with a same sex relation that moves into marriage. As I would have a female point of view if I was to role play as a male with another real life male in a male same sex relationship. -As I am a female, and the other role play is also another female. Would not really be interested in the primary reason to role play as smut. As a marriage is not always about sex. The goal is to understand from each other, and use this experience as a basic understanding how to interact with same sex couple as a passive observer of their relationship. -My mission as a role player, is to role play issues that can come up with my life. True, a fantasy with space aliens is interesting. Still, I have little fear that I will have to interact with a real alien from space. My primary goal, is to self-educate to different problems that can happen within my lifespan.