[color=39b54a]Rick shot Jan a warning glance. He knew how strongly she felt towards the Governor. He felt pretty strong about the situation too, but he didn't want to lose more people than he had to. He was more than upset about what happened to Glenn and Maggie, but he wasn't going to let it color his decisions with irrationality and poor choices. "I know, Jan. Just relax. Nobody's going anywhere, long as I've got a say in it." He turned onto the street Daryl and Sam had taken. He followed them at a distance now, trying to avoid obstructing their view without totally leaving it. "We'll fix this and I ain't about to leave. The Governor will get what he's got comin' to him when the time's right." [/color] [color=ed1c24]Lara wasn't sure what to make of the situation in the front of the car. They both had very valid points and she didn't know who's to defend. She just remained quiet instead. [/color] [color=fff200]Andrea quizzically looked at the Governor. She hadn't said a word this whole time. She'd just stood by, keeping her eyes peeled for walkers and patrollers. He and the other two had not exactly been quiet about their planning. Particularly Merle. She glanced between the Governor and Merle. They were both watching her expectantly. Martinez was leaning against a tree, using a pocket knife to clean the dirt out from under his fingernails. He was most likely listening in as well "I'm sorry. I didn't say anything." Her quizzical look turned into one of offense. She honestly felt hurt that he didn't trust her. The man she lived with. Slept with. [i]Made love to.[/i] And he still didn't trust her? Granted, she [i]was[/i] planning on slitting his throat the next chance she got. [i]Just stab him in his sleep. You can do it.[/i] The words rattled around in her brain. "Was I supposed to?"[/color] [color=92278f]Carl and Maggie returned from gate duty. That meant she and Tyreese were on. She handed Judith to Beth and stood up. She smiled at the younger woman. "I'll see ya later. Gate duty." She turned and left, ignoring Judith's cries as she went.[/color] [color=f26522]Tyreese met up with Carol in the center of the cell block. He nodded at her as she made her way down the stairs. "Ready to kill some walkers?" Carol nodded. She looked slightly distracted and he couldn't put a finger on why.[/color] ((I had to add color so I at least could tell who's point of view each section was from. It was driving me nuts.))