[color=39b54a]Rick nodded at Daryl's comment. That should be good enough for now. It took the walkers a while to gather enough to be a real threat. Unless, of course a herd came by. After Jan had said her piece, he nodded his consent. He motioned for the two to follow him, refraining from using his voice to reduce the risk of danger. Sometimes, walkers heard pretty damn good for being dead.[/color] [color=ed1c24]Lara came to stand behind Rick. She was still smiling, unable to [i]not[/i] smile. She waved at Daryl and Sam before Rick began leading his grouplet in the opposite direction. This was going to be fun.[/color] Merle followed closely behind Martinez and the Governor. He always took the rear. This was mostly because he was the best of the three of them when it came down to detecting pursuers. His years of hunting had taught him the difference between something moving and something following. [color=fff200]Andrea had been left by herself to watch the prison. She wasn't really sure why. She was rather irritated about it too. No word from the Governor. He just up and left with Merle and Martinez. Sometimes he really pissed her off. Killing him was sounding more and more like a good idea as the days went by.[/color] [color=f6989d]"Sure thing, Gov." Martinez held his gun up with the scope to his eye, following the taillights of the two vehicles as they drove slowly down the road. "I'll Get someone to keep an eye on her. No problem. How about Milton? He doesn't seem to be doing too much but sitting around and twiddling his thumbs these days." He smirked when Merle chuckled. He knew the man agreed to some extent. "Sure. Let the [i]doctor[/i] keep an eye on her. That'll do us real good." He chuckled again. Martinez glanced at him just in time to see him shake his head. "Do you know [i]anything[/i] 'bout Blondy? I'm tellin' you. You're gonna need someone bigger for that job. The bitch's talented.[/color]