[b]Irodein Empire- capital city Iro- Imperial palace 1 weeks ago[/b] Glaring at the map of there former colony Xulao, Emperor Uldra looked up at his commanders. "Six months ago a blow was done to Irodein prestige when a group of back water rebels. Defeated an Imperial legion and drove it back to the coast. We can't lose our foot hold there." he said pointing to the area still under there control. "First off who has rallied the troops and took command?" "A colonel named Schal apparently he has earn the nickname of 'the butcher' by the locals," one of the generals read of the report he was given. "Give him a promotion to over command, mobilize two divisions to reinforce what holdings we have, and have the imperial navy start harassing there ships." the Emperor order. With the generals saluted and left to carry out the Emperor's orders. [b]5th Irodien naval squadron- 14 miles off the cost of Colongo City[/b] Taking another drag of his cigarette Field Marshal Elva lent on the rails of the bridge of the fleet carrier the IMS.Thebes. Taking one last drag of his cigarette he crushed it under his boot before it walked into the bridge "how close to Colongo city are we?" Elva asked as he enter into the room. "We are 14 miles out sir. I have contacted the Ereatian about our purpose here. They have sent a Gyrokopter to pick you up it will be here whiten the hour," the captian told the field marshal. "Very well then I'll freshen up some before the Gyrokopter. Inform me when it arrives," with the captain salute Elva left to make him self look presentable.