[h3]Astarte & Hazael[/h3] Astarte just loved hearing someone calling him 'Sir', and someone who looked older than him at that. Ah, what a life was the military. Made him wonder why he didn't join earlier. Right, them trying to either cut their necks or get coin they didn't even have. He shook his head. He was turning into what he initially hated. It felt good, but bad at the same time. Turning into that... He most definitely didn't want that, given that they hurt his sister some times before.... He reached a conclusion. He spoke up, his ears getting red because of his embarrassment. [color=fff200]"Drop the sir. Makes me feel like some kind of pompous idiot, and don't worry about the pay. Sis is funding this on her own... She somehow didn't want any kind of support from Donat. She's weird like that at times."[/color] Many would question the actions of their sister, but not Astarte. He was flustered before because he felt that the three of them, his sister, his brother, Kendrick, and him, were enough to dispatch the thing, but since it seemed his sister didn't think like that, he'd just go with it. His trust for his sister was blind, after all. [color=82ca9d]"Ah! Assie! Over here! We are here!"[/color] After Hazael spotted his baby brother, she started shouting and waving at him, and Astarte wished she'd stop calling him that. He quickly hid the cigarrette he was smoking, so as to not let his sister get on on what she was doing, but her piercing gaze was already on him. Well, he was sure to be scolded later. He wasn't at the legal age for smoking, after all, and he had just picked on the habit because he thought it looked badass. More and more people had gathered around her, but Hazael didn't really mind after she saw his brother, mostly ignoring everyone else. She turned back and cleared her throat before addressing everyone's issues. Some of the guys around her seemed to already be making friends. [color=82ca9d]"Great, great! It's always good to get to know each other, even if it is just for one job! Trust is indispensible in any kind of job, after all."[/color] After arriving to the group of people, Astarte put himself besides his sister, and Hazael herself chatted a bit with Salazar. [color=82ca9d]"Salazar, great to see you here. I'm pretty sure you are here because of THAT, right?"[/color] Hazael knew the guy was a politician of sorts, but she wasn't sure whether he had received the info from Theana or not. She'd just say nothing for now. Which side he was on was unimportant right now, she'd strike him down regardless if he opposed them. Meanwhile, Astarte introduced himself to the group. [color=fff200]"All right, people, I am Astarte Michaellis. The Defense of the Triumvirate, if you want too. We gathered you lot here to go on a hunting job necessary for the kingdom. We are hunting for an Arachnoblaster, I don't know how many of you know the specifics, but we are basically after its hard skin and durable silk. The type is an arthropod. It can spit fire out of its mouth, though it isn't venomous. We expect it to be alone, as it is a monster native of Nijiara that slipped by the border. It has been causing a bit of problems, but my sister here is the one who-"[/color] [color=82ca9d]"You should really stop right now, Assie. You'll bore them to death before we actually get to the monster."[/color] Hazael said, giggling a bit. It seemed Kojiro had gotten fed up too with what was going on and was about to leave. Well, she actually got what he was trying to say, but she was trying to not be direct to, well, protect her ass, to be honest. The walls have ears, but now, with her brother by her side, she felt safer. It was something good that her other brother, with whom she had already discussed things with, was up in a roof, holding a bow and ready to snipe anyone suspicious. [color=82ca9d][I]'Well, time to drop the bomb, I guess'[/I][/color] [color=82ca9d]"Ah, all right, enough with the secretism. Anyone who saw that flier probably knows what's going on by now. That, or you couldn't care less about things like this. The Arachnoblaster part is true, we head out tomorrow to kill it. However, that monster is actually supposed to reach New Torrea [I][B]alive[/B][/I]."[/color] Not many would get what she said. Some may dismiss her as being paranoid, but it was most certainly real. [color=82ca9d]"The thing is, if that monster gets to here alive, it'll trash everything around. It is being led around by a mage, so it should be alone. I fear that the mage leading it here is Klomos... Unfortunately for us, it seems our mage of the court has also turned against us. The moment it arrives here, a coup d'etat will take place. This information comes from Nijiara's Mage of the Court, Theana, and it is uncertain whether it is true or not. But... what other option do we have but believing it?"[/color] All that Hazael just said, would weigh heavily and all of those there. Heck, she was saying a coup d'etat was about to happen. Astarte himself couldn't believe what he was hearing, and just stood there with his mouth open. [color=82ca9d]"I won't ask you to stay just because you've heard this. You can even turn around and go tell Donat I'm aware of what he is scheming, but one thing is sure, though. If we don't do anything, the king will be murdered, maybe also the princess, and we will be at Donat's mercy, and his idiotic plans for an expansion. I'm sure that anyone with half a brain here knows that it is the most stupid thing ever."[/color] She delivered her heavy words to the group before her. Whether they chose to believe or not was all up to them.