[center][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Jasmine%20-%20Gif_zpseyrpbo9j.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Anna%20Bryndiacutes%20-%20Gif_zpsc68ov7qo.gif[/img][img]http://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o620/Vicier/Vicier%20-%20OUAT%20RP%20-%20Characters/Viciers%20Character%20Gifs/Colab-Post%20Gifs/Elsaacute%20Driacutefta%20Bryndiacutes%20-%20Gif_zpsgn3snuiu.gif[/img] [h1][color=LightSeaGreen]Daria Balikov[/color], [color=DarkBlue]Annelise Brie[/color] and [color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color][/h1] [h2]Evening, Present Day - Lake Tahoe, Earth[/h2][/center] Annelise sat quietly on the couch, with her three month old kitten Sylvester sleeping in her lap while watching some tv, she found the small cat inside of the dumpster just outside of the lodge and quickly took him in since then she loved the little cat. She looked over at the clock for a moment wondering where Eliza was, Annelise took out her phone to text Daria. 'Hey i'm back at the house if you still want to sleepover tonight.' She hit send, as she gently laid Sylvester on the couch to grab some food out of the kitchen to get ready for their slumber party Annelise grabbed a bag of popcorn and pulled out a pack of soda from the fridge, and popped the bag into the microwave. She headed back into the living room, Sylvester was already starting to wake up letting out a cute little meow, she looked around and found the fishing rod toy he loved to play with. She dangled it over his head as she entertained the cat. Daria had just gotten out of the shower when she heard her phone go off. She quickly walked over her to it, looking to see what it was. She smiled when she saw the text from Anna and he quickly replied to the girl, 'Of course! Be there soon!' with that she quickly got dressed and threw a few things into a bag, along with the alcohol that Alan had left with her and a bottle of wine from the bar that her parents always filled with different forms of alcohol for their stay. Of course, they never remembered all what it was that they sent ahead of them and never noticed when she took a few bottles of whatever it was she chose to drink over the week. With her things all gather up, she grabbed her coat and quickly made her way to the Brie's. She knocked on the door loudly and waited till Anna opened it. She grinned at the girl and handed her the bottle of wine, "Thought we might be wanting this. I also have some vodka and tequila... Although, there isn't much tequila left..." She pressed her lips together as she smiled at her friend, "And I may already be an insy bit drunk already... So, you have some catching up to do." Frowning slightly she crossed her legs under her desk her eyes gliding over the paperwork that she had laying on the tabletop her free hand flicking through the magazines searching for ideas as she tried her best to get all of her work done before the night was out, after leaving the restaurant and getting into an argument with some woman who thought she knew everything she had just collected her things before going home and locking herself into her room so she could get her work done in peace and quiet. Lifting her head up she turned looking over at the door as she heard a loud pounding coming from the front door alerting her to the fact that someone had come over and with it being the time of year in which Daria chose to make the mountains her own she could only guess that that was who their guest was, standing up she ran over to her door unlocking it before slipping out into the hallway following the familiar path that led to the front door her eyes flicking from her sister to her friend and back again, "With you two around I'll never get any of my work done." Shaking her head she smiled softly her arms crossing over her chest as she leant against the wall, "I'm going to pretend that I didn't hear you admit to drinking without us..." Annelise couldn't help but smile as she opened the door to let Daria into the house and quickly hugged her. She took the bottle of wine from Daria, as she walked over towards the small coffee table that laid in front of the couch. "We can all drink together then." She heard Eliza walking down from her room and smirked at her. "You work way to much sis, you need to live a little and have some fun." She said sticking her tongue out at Eliza. "When did you get home anyway?" Daria laughed at Eliza before she wiggled her finger, "Oh, no, no, no, no," She moved closer to the older girl, "I'm not stopping you from working. You're stopping yourself because I'm a blast and you want alcohol," She smirked before handing her the bottle of Root Beer Vodka, "Don't blame me for the alcohol choices [i]he[/i] chose them," She said in a very coy manner before walking over to the couch and dropping her bag before pulling out the tequila bottle and placing it on the table. She turned and looked at them, "Can you two hurry up and get drunk? I want to dance or something!" She giggled before flopping back onto the couch, awaiting them to come and join her. Lowering her gaze to the bottle she opened it her feet slowly moving her into the room as she lifted it up to get a whiff of the contents her face scrunching up slightly before she read over the label her eyebrow raising curiously, "Excuse me... He? Do I even want to know what poor guy you had hanging off your every word and waiting on your every need this time..." Replacing the lid without even so much as a sip she leant forward placing it down on the coffee table, "I really don't feel like drinking tonight-..." Catching the looks on their faces she sighed her hand coming up to rub her face, "But you two really don't care and are going to make me drink anyway aren't you..." Annelise smirked looking at Eliza and shook her head. "Nope we are going to get you nice and drunk, you work way to much and you need to have some fun!" She said grabbing her sister by the shoulders and gently pushed her down onto the couch. Sylvester jumped off of the couch, running off into the kitchen when Daria dropped her bag onto the couch. "I'll be right back i'm going to grab the shot glasses." Annelise smiled walking back into the kitchen She came back holding three shot glasses in her hands setting them down onto the coffee table grabbing the tequila pouring each a shot. Daria shot up from her spot on the couch to kneel on it backwards, looking over the top at Eliza, "Oh, I think you do. He was... ugh... He was great," She smirked, "You know me, you guys don't get names.... can't have you judging me if you know the lucky gentleman," She fell back again onto the couch but fell on it length wise, "But god, did he have me saying it a lot." She laughed and rolled over onto her stomach as Annelise poured them their shots, "Yes, Eliza! You are getting shitfaced! I'm only here for two weeks and my parents are only here for one... I only have seven days to get down, dirty and drunk and there are no people I wish to get drunk with and not have sex than you two! So you are drinking, no arguments," She shot the girl a playful glare, "Now get over here and take the damn shot," With that she turned and plucked her own off the table and threw it back. Dropping her head back as her sister began to lead her through the room she groaned her body falling back into the couch as she turned her head looking over at Daria as she threw back the shot she had picked up, "I don't want to know the details. I'm not like you and my sister Daria, I don't really care about those things." Frowning she leant forward picking up the shot before she glanced from one to the other giving them a warning look as she laid down the rules for her giving in and drinking, "One. Okay, that's it, I'll have one. I'm not in any way going to get shitfaced. I can't afford to do things like that." "Tell us the details I want to know who let themselves into your pants." Annelise said grabbing her own shot glass and quickly downed it before setting it back down onto the coffee table. She looked back at her sister and frowned slightly. "C'mon sis Dari went be here for long, and its not like you have anything planned tomorrow right?" She asked grabbing the bottle of tequila once more drinking the shot leaning back into the couch. Daria shook her head when Annelise told her sister that she didn't have anything planned for the next night, "No, wait, I know this one! Snowfest thingambob starts tomorrow. Which is why your sister has been in massive party planning mode [i]but[/i] it isn't a matter of not getting drunk tonight, it is a matter of not having a hang over tomorrow. Start the day off with a Caesar, bacon and eggs, coffee, water, and pain killers. [i]Trust me[/i]. I've gone to plenty galas for my parents after a long night to drinking. If I can be a prim and proper lady while hung over, you can run a party." Sighing she pursed her lips together shaking her head as she listened to the two of them speaking about what was going on the next night and how Anna had managed to forget about the biggest event of the year was far beyond her, lifting the shot up to her lips she threw it back letting the alcohol burn her throat as it went down the blonde leaning forward to place the shot glass upside down on the coffee table beside the other two which were upright, "There. There's my one. I'm having no more." Dropping back into the couch her face scrunching up slightly as she sniffed around in the air trying to pick the smell that was wafting towards them, "Uh... Anna, are you trying to cook again? Please tell me that I'm not the only one who smells something burning..." Annelise smelled the air noticing that something was starting to burn. "Crap forgot the popcorn!" She shot up from her spot on the couch, making a run for the kitchen, puffs of smoke were coming out of the microwave. Quickly turning off the microwave Annelise pulled the bag of popcorn out of there, outside the bag had started to burn but luckily there wasn't a fire. She sighed as she walked back into the living room looking back at Eliza pouting slightly giving her sister an annoyed look. "I've cooked before, and they always turned out really well." Annelise sighed as she sat down on the couch. "Besides the last time I cooked, you were stealing the whole plate to yourself." Daria laughed as the two sisters bickered a little before she retrieved the burnt popcorn bag and sat back down on the couch, "It's all good. Burnt popcorn is good! The chefs back home never burn it a little for me. Нет мисс, он не должен быть идеальным . Нет горение," She stopped and looked up at them as she put some popcorn into her mouth, "Our chefs are Russian..." She laughed a little, "But they insist that it all be perfect even if I think perfect is a little burnt." Rolling her eyes she pulled herself up from the couch brushing herself off as she wandered around the table and past her sister into the kitchen her body lifting up onto the balls of her feet so that she could reach into the cupboard pulling out a fresh bag of popcorn for a second try, "You know that I would rather have a chicken salad wrap than the pasta that you and dad eat. We both know that he was the one who ate it all, I'm in training remember, means a strict diet and a low number of carbs." Chuckling softly she crossed over to the microwave opening it up before she slipped in the new packet her fingers hitting in the pad before starting it up, "Okay, take two and this time not for five minutes but the recommended time on the packet." Turning around to look back at them she leant back against one of the kitchen cabinets her head tilting to the side, "Alright, all talk about guys aside. Because I don't wanna know... What do you guys have planned for us tonight?" "But it's good to just spoil yourself every once in awhile Eliza, besides your next boarding contest isn't for another few weeks." She leaned back in her seat on the couch watching her sister walking into the kitchen, Sylvester came back into the room and jumped onto Daria's lap and looked up at her. "Looks like he likes you already." Annelise smiled, she looked back over at her sister as she waited for the second bag of popcorn to finish. "I don't know, maybe dance around and play some games?" Daria looked down at the cat when he hopped into her lap and squealed putting down the burnt popcorn before she picked him up, "Oh my god! You didn't have this little guy when I was here last time!" She sat back in her lap, leaving him be to curl up as she looked up at Eliza, "We also planned drinking," She informed her, "Have a glass, just one, of wine with us. It is a like hundred dollar bottle of wine from France, so it [i]has[/i] to be good!" She leaned back against the couch, "A movie too! We should watch a movie." Putting on a show by pouting in their general direction she crossed her arms over her chest her shoulders hunching over as she thought about their discussion not moments earlier in regards to her drinking, "But mummy, I thought I already had my one drink for the night..." Lifting her hand up she pushed her fingers back through her long blonde waves pulling them over to one side before she turned back to the microwave as it began to beep at her alerting her to the fact that the popcorn was done and ready to eat, pulling it out she closed the door again her hands working to pull it open before dropping back onto the couch, "Alright. One more drink and maybe I'll stay through the whole movie. But I still have work to do, and I won't be sleeping much tonight because of it, so don't get snappy when I need to go back to my room okay?" "I found this little guy out in a dumpster by the lodge, no one claimed him so I took him in he is so cute." Annelise smiled seeing Daria's reaction as she watched Sylvester curling up in her friend's lap. Her eyes turned to look back at Eliza and smiled giggling at how her sister was pouting. "I understand planning the whole thing is hard, just ask for help." Annelise got up from her spot on the couch as she searched through their movie collection. "What do you guys want to watch, a comedy, chick flick, horror, or sci-fi?" She asked turning to look at the two of them. "Where do you parents get all the expensive drinks from Dari?" Daria smiled widely when Eliza gave into having wine with them. She stood, collecting the kitten in her arms and managed to find a couple wine glasses and a wine bottle opener. She walked back them and placed everything down before she grabbed the wine bottle and sat back down, putting the cat back on her lap. She opened the bottle with a satisfying pop, "This one is from France... As in we bought it when we were in France last month," She laughed a little and pour the wine into the three glasses, "My parents prefer to actually go to vineyards and so that they can taste what it is they are buying. Then they buy them by the box and send them back home for the servants to unload into the wine cellar. We get beers from breweries... My father's current obsession is German beer while my mother is raving over this Japanese whiskey...." She took her glass into her hand and sipped it a little, "Of course we only buy vodka when we are in Russia. We bought three whole cases when we were there during the summer," She laughed a little, "So... I can't exactly say. We buy them from the source all over the world. I have a very refined taste for alcohol," She looked at the two other bottles she had brought with her and laughed a little, "So long as I'm buying." She leaned back and took another sip of her wine, "Comedy." Raising her eyebrow her lips parted in slight surprise as she felt something vibrating against her hip her attention turning down to her phone as she pulled it from her pocket her thumb sliding over the screen to unlock it her eyes flicking over the message causing everything around her to turn into nothing more than background noise and distractions, lifting her gaze back up though staring at nothing in particular she locked her phone again her free hand pushing down against the arm of the couch as she pulled herself back up to her feet not really bothering to look at them as she started to leave the room, "Ah... Uhm, something just came up... I gotta go." Not bothering to wait for a reply she hurried her step up the stairs her arms swinging at her side and her phone clasped tightly in her grip as she left their company giving them no more details than a vague goodbye, slipping into her room she pushed on the door distractedly not bothering to check to see whether it had closed properly or not as she threw her phone down onto her mattress her hands wrapping around her body as she began to rid herself of the clothes she had been wearing throughout the day. Crossing over her room to her wardrobe she bit her lower lip chewing on it nervously as she pulled item after item out her eyes flicking over each before throwing the ones she didn't like over her shoulders letting them fall to the ground below before finally she found what it was that she had been searching for. Switching out her bra and underwear for her bikini she pulled on a white top with the face of a wolf on over the top slipping her body into the dark blue skirt being sure that it was all tucked in before she placed the thin white belt around her keeping it all together on her body, reaching forward she pulled on her boots her free hand reaching out to snatch up her cardigan and scarf slipping them into place on her body before she grabbed hold of her mobile her eyes flicking over [url=http://media1.fashionfreax.net/outfits/4efdc8d350b39_f528764d624db129b32c21fbca0cb8d6]her outfit[/url] once before turning around the room quickly before she made her way over to the window. Slipping her phone into the side of her bikini top she leant over her face scrunching up as she pulled it open her upper body ducking to look out as she sized up what needed to be done, the blonde not having any real reason to sneak out of the house since she was still in high school. Annelise looked over at Daria as she picked out the various comedy movies that she had with her, listening to her as she talked about how she got all of the expensive drinks and smiled. "Well you have to take me on your trips sometime." She said grabbing herself a wine glass and started to pour herself a glass of wine, her eyes went to look up at her sister for a moment wondering who texted her and then heard her saying she had to go. Following her sister up to her sister's room Annelise stood outside of her door watching Eliza changing into her bikini. Before she could walk in Eliza had already gotten her cardigan and scarf on, and watched her open the window. Daria watched as Eliza quickly left the room after a suspicious text and pouted a little. She whined when Annelise got up and followed, "Nooo!" She cried after them, "That is not watching a movie!" She hopped up and put her glass on the coffee table before chasing after the sisters. She got to the door to see Eliza pulling on her cardigan and scarf and laughed a little, "Oh, so you are too busy with work for us but [i]not[/i] for some hot date with a mystery man.... Or woman... If there's been some kind of development there..." She sighed and wrapped her arms around Annelise's waist and picked her up off the ground, "Come on, we've lost her to who knows what. She doesn't love us anymore." She placed Annelise back down in the hallway and laughed, "Well, too bad for her because you and I are going to plan a trip... You need sometime off and your sister ran off before I could make the offer." She looked around herself, "Do you guys have a globe anywhere?" Bringing herself back into the warmth of her room she turned slightly her body perching on the sill before she brought her legs up one by one climbing out and onto the roof, standing up wearily she let her fingers glide over the side of the house while she looked over the ledge her eyes settling on a large patch of snow that was soft enough before she closed her eyes jumping down the familiarity of the cold surrounding her as she landed. Pulling herself out of the pile and back to her feet she brushed herself off not bothering to wait a moment as she ran away from the house a smile playing on her lips with the adrenaline of sneaking out of the house for the first time in years. She frowned slightly and turned to look back at Daria for a moment and yelped slightly as her friend lifted her up to turn her back into the hallway. "I guess she is grew tired of us already, at least I got you." Annelise smiled as she thought for a moment if they did have a globe or not. "I think in my dad's study he has one." She answered as she turned to head back down stairs past the kitchen, there was a small office. Annelise opened the door and on his desk there was a modern globe sitting on his desk and walked over to it giving it a quick spin. "So where do you want to go?" Daria followed Annelise into the study and walked over to the desk and watched as she gave it a spin. The dark haired girl leaned on the desk and looked at her friend, her hair falling into her face a little, "That is what the globe is for, my dear." She gave the globe a hard spin, making it so that you couldn't see exactly what continent was whizzing by. She then took Annelise's hand and put out her index finger before she placed it against the globe, causing it to come to a sudden halt. She leaned in and looked at the country, "Indonesia... I know the exact place were are going to too." She pulled out her phone and rapidly typed into it before she handed it to Annelise, showing her a [url=http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/multimedia/dynamic/00312/Lombok-Lodge_312486o.jpg]picture[/url]. She smiled at her friend, "Does the Lombok Lodge suit your fancy?" Feeling Daria taking her hand and felt the globe coming to an immediate stop on Indonesia, her eyes staring down at it for a moment before turning her attention back to Daria as she pulled out her phone and stared down at the picture she was showing. "It sounds like a plan, never really had the chance to leave the country before anyway." Annelise giggled, she leaned her back up against her father's desk. "So where do you think Eliza went off to? I bet it was some random guy." Daria hopped up on the desk and smiled at her friend, "Then we'll buy a one way ticket and we'll figure out where we fly to next when we get there. Anywhere you want, my parents are paying." She laughed a little before Annelise asked about Eliza. She shrugged, "Couldn't tell ya... But your sister doesn't seem like the type who does the random hook up stuff. She's too... Not me," She laughed again, "Maybe that guy that she was working with... Behind the desk this morning when she refused to come over and do the trick with... Magic man." She moved off the desk and smiled at her friend, "Come on, I think we have a movie to watch and some wine to drink."