Casan awoke from his slumber with a eerie stillness to him. His eyes were to first to move as they examined their surroundings slowly. His claws, extended and retracted along with his mouth segments. Such was the pattern with the rest of his body as if it was doing a natural diagnosis of itself. Once he was convinced of his corporal integrity he sat up out of his bed,which was more like a semi-artificial cacoon made of metals and organic material, and touched his biosuit which hung on the wall across from his bed. Upon making contact the biosuit latched itself onto Casan like a symbiotic organism and made it way up the arm and quickly encompassing his entire body. He kneeled and said a brief prayer to his gods before changing his shape to his frequented human form. The process was slow as it was the first of the day, the bones could be heard shifting along with the flesh as they moved into place to fit the skeletal frame of human. His skin tone changed from a grey to slightly tan while it's texture which was originally like the leathery hide of a snake became soft and smooth. Of course the only flaw was the eyes which lacked color but it was acceptable. He exited his room and headed to the central monitors which upon his arrival was already being used by Blue Arrow and Wonder Girl. He walked over to the two and with a serene tone greeted them, "Good morning Blue Arrow, Wonder Girl. I trust you both slept well?" His face could not be seen as it was hidden behind the helmet of the biosuit but inside the reason for his calm demeanor was he was performing a diagnostic on the suits functions. Despite it being organic it was also partially artificial, the only thing from his home planet that came with him. He never did understand how these suits were made as that was the job of their military scientists and not the actual soldier whose only need was to know their suit was at maximum efficiency.