"I accessed the memories of my ancestors and witnessed the Battle of Nar'Parthan where hundreds of thousands died for their tribe. I studied their fighting techniques along with the troop movements in hopes that we may execute something of the sort-", Casan stopped himself realizing this probably was not normal human custom to speak of ancestor memories. That and the topic itself was probably not appropriate for morning conversation. "I slept quite well thank you", he said before turning his attention to a terminal. Accessing it he searched for any reports of anomalies similar to his space jump which landed him on earth. He made it a habit of checking daily in case more of his kind ended up here he could give them aid and hopefully a place to stay and serve. As usual there was nothing which for a moment gave Casan a feeling of isolation but was quickly replaced with the need to eat. "If you need me I will be in the kitchen", he held himself back from declaring what nutrients his body was in need of, despite years of living on earth he still had much to learn of these humans...but he was making progress. Once in the kitchen the freak show began. Casan shifted to his actual self and scoured the kitchen for something to eat before settling for an entire cooked chicken. He took a moment to savor the smell after warming it up before opening his mouth to reveal the horrific maw of teeth that filled his mouth which opened in segments like the eggs from [i]Alien[/i] he picked up the entire chicken and forced it into his mouth where the hundreds of teeth began to shred and tear at the meat until it was mush which he gulped all at once.