Rennac shook his head in exasperation at the spymasters need to be hidden even from his own allies, muttering a bit to himself. As soon as the INTCOM went off the Wolkar promptly facepalmed a second time. "That's it? Couldn't he have just said that and be done with it? And here I was hoping that there would be some vital Intel. Anyway, if this is the case then we'll need to change our tactics. There's gonna be slim to zero chance of a successful infiltration. Best shot we have is shock and awe unless you happen to have some top notch stealth gear. Another option is that one of us uses the ship to attack from overhead while the other gets Klith in the confusion. Suggestions?" He saw the Librarians scowl and shook his head. "Listen, with all that cryptic crap I was practically certain you were Kliths accomplice and when I stated that you didn't even try to defend yourself. If the situation was reversed and I insisted on keeping the dataspike and was suddenly contacted through it in such a manner by who you suspected was Klith, you would have come to the same conclusion. If you were indeed the accomplice and you knew I was aware of that, then you would have either tried to kill me or escape to inform your boss I was coming. Now that Xilanthis FINALLY informed me the dataspike was his, it clears up any suspicion."