Understanding that she no longer wish to be kept here, Axel decided he could hold his remaining questions. Hopefully, he could find answers elsewhere. "The Failure", as the female had named him, still worried him. Hopefully, he would depart soon and trouble him no more. Requesting something from a powerful being was not something to be taken lightly, and Axel knew this. He was well aware that anything he asked for could have a tremendous cost and be very dangerous. Such as asking for riches, to find out later his family was killed and he inherited it all... He would be better off just walking away and avoiding further contact, yet, thoughts of his failures came to mind. Of the company he had led to slaughter, the lives he could not save, and of those he still would fight for. Realizing how terrified he was of these two beings, of which he wasn't even sure of their intent in this world, Axel realized what he would request. Lowering his blade and looking towards the ground, Axel began to speak. "What I wish for, I do not believe you can grant." He replied solemnly. "You can not bring back all the comrades I have lost, nor the people I couldn't save. I also doubt you can give me peace of mind that neither of you have ill will towards this world, this world which I love and have fought for. So, I'm left with one thing..." At this, Axel looks up, staring at first "The Failure", then "The Sei", maintaining eye contact with her. "I request a weapon worthy of a warrior, something of power. Something that will allow me to strike down my foes, defend the defenseless, and protect those I love." Knowing he was playing a dangerous game, Axel still felt it was right. If these two were indeed evil, he would need something to assist him in defeating them. His simple sword and magic would not do.