[quote=Lucius Cypher] What is this? WEAKNESS!? How can you call yourself a god when you can bleed like any other mortal!? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT!What of bravery, of honor? Of determination to fight for what one believes in? You have allowed fear to control your actions, and you say that it was I do went to such measures! You indeed are nothing more than a servant, the dog of a force uncontrolled. You have become nothing more than a beast who gets tamed through beatings.A life on your knees is not living on your feet. She has yet to even begin to combat us, and you have already cowered before her. [/quote] [quote=Rtron] Gods can kill each other as easily as mortals can. Pick and choose your battles, Dark One. She is not evil. Neither is she good. She is the balance that prevents us from destroying the world. AND STRONGER THAN THE BOTH OF US. I am not ruled by fear, but by prudence. What could be gained from fighting you? Freeing the land of the yoke of darkness. Saving your followers from your whispered lies. Purifying darkness. What can I gain from fighting her? A final sense of triumph as the universe is destroyed? You mistake me. I do not cower because I fear her(though that is indeed a part of it) I cower because if I did not, death would sweep and claim the land. All that we had fought over, would turn into nothingness. No Dark. No Light. Just, the Void. [/quote] [quote=Fallenreaper] I expected this...if he add agreed, then I might be more then a little nervous. And why fight you when I would end up risk blasting you into oblivion? [/quote] [img=http://i.imgur.com/oj53TPg.gif] Dish is getting good.