[center][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Alan.gif[/img][img]http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d94/Malfoys_one_and_only_girl/Elsa.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=Burlywood]Alan Woodard[/color] and [color=MediumTurquoise]Eliza Brie[/color] - Present Evening - Lake Tahoe Ski Lodge Pool Room[/h1][/center] [i] Text Message Received: 1:03 am. Hay prinses Store hours still 24/7 I intend 2 get some l8 night shopin in intrestid? 1:03 am. Princess? Since when did I earn that nickname? Either way, the store is open 24/7 and I assume you want the specials, so tell me, what did you have in mind? 1:10 am. So long the special wares a swimsoot meat down in lobby & bring a oranje ;) 1:11 am. Alright, well the specials have just climbed out the second story window and jumped down into the snow. Sister has friends over, I'll grab an orange from the staff room when I get there, okay? 1:12 am. k[/i] ------------------------------------------ Lowering her phone slightly she glanced back at her family home a smirk playing on her lips as she slipped it back into place inside her bikini top her feet working to carry her further away from her sister and her friend and closer to where she was supposed to be meeting Alan, turning back to look at where she was going she picked up the pace her walk turning into a run as she quickly headed towards the lobby slowing to a stop in front of the lobby doors her hands coming together in front of her as she looked around for where he was her stomach twisting nervously as she bit down on her lower lip. Shifting slightly on her feet she broke her fingers apart lifting her hand up to run her fingers through her long wavy blonde locks ruffling them out softly in hopes of giving them some more volume as she waited. Why she was so on edge and nervous she wasn't sure, it wasn't like she hadn't gone out on dates before, she'd been on a few of them... This one just felt different... Oddly enough, the lobby doors were left unlocked for her as though it were the middle of the day. Even more strange, the blinking from the security cameras were completely absent, even on the hidden ones where people like Eliza or her father only knew where they were. The low lighting of the moon filtering in through the closed blinds settled down on a lone figure in the center of the lobby, lounging back in one of the plush chairs looking flashing Eliza a smile though the darkness. Alan looked just the same as he had when they had their afternoon rendezvous, save the wool sweatshirt he had managed to get back earlier that afternoon before he met up with Annelise, but after Daria. His eyes looked over her new outfit, at least the parts he could see from the dim lighting before he looked back up at her, keeping his smile. "Good, you made it. Follow me." Pushing himself up from the lounge chair, Alan motioned for her to follow down a series of hallways before coming to the pool area, where (surprisingly enough) the door was also unlocked. Opening up the door for them, Alan slipped inside after letting her in first and closed it back up behind him. Almost always packed to the brim with tourists, the entire pool area was empty. The overhead lights were all off but both the pool and hot tub were lit with the underwater lights, making the water look more green and tranquil than usual. "Hey, sorry it took me a bit to get around to texting you, I lost the card with your number on it sometime during the day. Had to remember the number from memory." He explained tapping his forefinger to his temple. "Not exactly easy, but I figured [i]one[/i] of the combinations had to work eventually..." Catching sight of movement in the corner of her eye she turned herself around her eyes coming to rest on him for a moment before they glanced around the room an impressed look on her face as she moved inside her arms folding over her chest and her smirk playing over her lips, "Impressive... You know, if you wanted to get into the lodge, all you had to do was ask me to bring the keys and I would have." Shaking her head she turned away from him wandering past the front desk before disappearing into the back room for a moment returning only once she had an orange firmly in her grasp, holding it up for him to see she moved closer to him tilting her head curiously her mind still trying to figure out why he wanted her to bring one in the first place, "Alright, I'm curious... How many times did you look at that card for you to be able to memorize my number..." Chuckling softly she waited for him to move a head of her before she began to follow allowing him to lead her down the familiar hallways until the two of them passed through the doors into the pool room that she rarely ever used due to the large amount of guests that always seemed to staying at the lodge, moving past him she let her eyes flick from the sparkling clear waters of the large pool lit only by the light of the built in lights rather than the normal down lights above them over to the hot tub that seemed to bubbling away just inviting her to jump in and relax, "Alright... So I get why you wanted me to wear my bathers... I just don't understand why you wanted me to bring the orange..." Pulling forward and away from her, Alan headed towards the hot tub, stripping himself free of the wool sweater and dumped it down onto a vinyl chair that already had two, fluffy white towels waiting for their use at a later time. Lifting one of his feet for his hands to start pulling off his shoe, he looked over at Eliza, then at the orange she held in her hand and smirked. "I was hungry. Thought I could do with a bit of a snack. Tear into that one for me, yeah?" He asked and then returned to the task of pulling off his other shoe, followed by his blue shirt she had seen him wearing earlier that day in the restaurant. "I didn't have to look at the card all that often. I've developed what you would call a sort of photographic memory over the last few years. Comes with the job." He explained as he kicked his shoes underneath the chair and added his shirt to the small pile of clothes before working on his belt and jeans button and zipper. Scrunching up her face in a playful manner she reached out pushing lightly against his shoulder before she pulled her hand back peeling open the orange before she paused for a moment her head shaking from side to side as she lifted the card they had been talking about up from inside of the orange so that he could see, "Lost it, huh? Smooth, real smooth..." Handing him the freshly peeled orange and the card she kicked off her boots her arms crossing over her body as she pulled them up and off dropping them to the ground by her now bare feet, reaching into her bikini she pulled her phone out placing it on the small pile she had made before she lifted her arms up gathering up her long locks only to pull them into a messy blonde bun on top of her head. "Oh, hey! You found it!" Alan replied in mock surprise. He took both the card and the orange from her, running his tongue over the card to clean up the orange juices before slipping it into his pants pocket before he let his undone pants fall to a useless pile at his ankles. "Good thing, that will come in handy for when I call you for a [i]third[/i] date." He replied confidently, stepping out of his pants leaving him in nothing but his boxers and a necklace laid delicately on his chest. Most of the scratches along his shoulders, upper arms and back had healed up, the skin surrounding the small lines no longer red and irritated. The handful of love bites, as well as the scratches on his body, still mostly hidden by the darkness of the pool room as he hung back, watching Eliza strip down and popped a section of the orange into his mouth. "Oh, cute... So you think you'll be getting a third date do you?" Stepping back a couple of steps she lifted her hand up motioning with her finger for him to follow her as she turned her body stepping down and into the water her hands brushing over the surface as she let the warmth spread through her causing her smile to grow, lowering herself into the water completely up to her shoulders she waded through the water enjoying the small pleasure that it gave her without the stress or worry of what she still had to do or that she was doing something wrong weighing down upon her. Turning her body around so that she was glancing at him she paused for a moment her eyes flicking up and down his body taking in everything from the bite marks to the scratches, all dimmed in the darkness of the room though she was still able to see faint outlines of them, "..What are they..." Following close behind, Alan couldn't help to let his eyes look over her body once more, but now with much [i]less[/i] clothing than before, there wasn't much left to his very wild and vivid imagination. He thought he caught a glimpse of something a little dark on the back of her right thigh but his eyes were too fastened onto her shapely ass to give it much of a second look before she slipped down into the bubbling hot water, bringing his eyes and mind back to what was going on around them again. "What?" Confused by her question, he followed her gaze to his right shoulder where one of the scratches trails led down his chest a bit. By habit, Alan simply shrugged as he sat himself down on the edge of the hot tub, dipping his feet into the water and feeling it's warmth envelop him all the way up to his mid calf. "You know, cats." He stated lamely, not exactly trying to hide the truth from her, but also not wanting to get into it with her either. "Don't worry about it, Princess. Here, hungry?" Peeling another wedge away from the orange, he handed it out to her for her to take. "Really? Hm, didn't take you to be a pet kind of guy." Tilting her head to the side with obvious surprise written over her features she shook her head shoving the thoughts from her mind so that she could continue to enjoy the night he was trying to offer her, wading forward she crossed over the hot tub slowing only when she was standing in front of him a small smile playing over her lips, "Alright, I trust you... And..." Lifting her hands out of the water she placed them gently on knees letting her thumbs gently slide back and forth over his skin before she pressed down on them lifting herself up and out of the water. "I am a little bit hungry, I skipped out on popcorn..." Opening her mouth she waited for him to give her some her eyes flicking up to catch his gaze holding it as she shifted her hands moving them up from his knees to his thighs so that she could get a better balance her body pressing against the side of the tub. "What can I say, I'm a guy full of surprises." Alan replied with a gentle shrug of his shoulders and a bit of an arrant smirk. Looking down at her hands as she placed them first on his knees, and then his thighs, he couldn't help his imagination taking off with him again as he forced his eyes back up, though slowly making sure to admire the way her stomach flattened against the side of the tub, the way her chest was being pushed out as she leaned forward, how very kissable her lips looked waiting for the orange slice he had promised her... Dragging the orange slice across her bottom lip, both in a bit of teasing and to get the orange juices to start running down her chin, he finally gave in and pressed the wedge into her mouth, using his thumb to catch the juices on her lower lip and slipped the tip of his thumb inside. "Popcorn huh? Well now, I feel a bit better about myself that you gave up something so incredible to spend time with a cheeky bastard like me." Keeping her eyes connected with his she sunk her teeth into the slice of orange pulling it further into her mouth her lips closing around his thumb and her tongue brushing up against it as she began to clean it of any juice from the wedge he had given her, pulling back slowly the corners of her lips turned up in a small smirk as she chewed for a moment before swallowing what was in her mouth, "Oh you should... Unlike the cute little tricks you pull for me, microwave popcorn is some real magic, it's able to transport me to heaven with just a single piece." Lifting one of her hand up she gently let it rest on his shoulder using it to pull her further out of the water and closer to his level until she was almost completely eye to eye with him her cheeks a light shade of red from her own actions, leaning in she let her eyes close as she pressed her soft pink lips against his own something she had been thinking of since the two of them had met in the restaurant earlier that day. He was already about to deliver a witty comeback as he watched her raise out of the water a bit more to look him better in the eye, but he was cut off immediately as she quickly pressed her lips to his. Eyes widening with his eyebrows shooting to his hairline, he had to think back to something he might have said or did that would constitute this kind of reaction from her, but was unable to think on anything that wouldn't constitute him as an arrogant asshole in her eyes. Still... he wasn't about to start complaining. It just made his job that much more easy. Keeping his lips were she had them molded into hers, he reached his arm back to set the remainder of the orange back behind him and away from the hot tub's ledge before bringing it back around her to hold the back of her head, just underneath the messy bun she had pulled her hair up into. Pressing his lips in closer to hers and a bit more firmly, he used his free arm to wrap around her other side and placed his hand on her waist, using the muscles in his arm and her light figure to his advantage and pulled her up just a bit more so that she could rest herself down on his leg; straddling him front-ways and forcing her legs to bend a bit; now completely out of the water. Pulling his lips away from hers for a breath of a moment, he adjusted his head a bit and went back in, the tip of his tongue tracing the seam of her lips in a silent inquiry. Lifting her other hand up as she felt him lifting her up into the air she wrapped it around his neck her body shifting and her legs pressing tight into the side of his legs as she sat back on his lap her breathing picking up as she let him take control of the situation already having come to the realization that he knew a lot more about these things than she did, sliding her other hand up his neck from his shoulder she let it rest softly against his cheek her thumb sliding back and forth over his skin as she caressed it softly her back arching slightly so her body was pressing into his. Relaxing her body as she felt him pull away her lips parted slightly to catch up on the breath lost though the moment was quick as he once more pulled her back into him his tongue slowly tracing the line of her lip causing her to gasp softly against him her lips parting further away from one another answering the silent question he had just asked of her, wrapping her arm tighter around the back of his neck she pressed herself closer against his body her heart racing in her chest beating so hard that she was afraid that he might hear. After a few more moments of enjoying the feeling of his lips against hers she pulled away slightly her forehead pressing gently against his own as she tried to catch her breath her voice softer than it had been minutes before when they had been talking with one another, "And to think I was going to finally give in to Jason... I'm so glad you messaged me, you're the only one I can see myself with right now..." Alan kept a gentle, but firm hold on her lips for as long as he possibly could, getting drunk off of whatever it was that she was giving him until she ultimately pulled away. Feeling his head bowing forward slightly as she pressed their foreheads together, her words to him made his heart do something... strange. He wasn't sure what it was exactly, but it wasn't at all unpleasant. Still though, that alien feeling in his chest slowly dissipated into slight confusion as he thought on her words more clearly. She could [i]see[/i] herself with [i]him[/i]? He wasn't stupid, he knew what that meant, but he had to wonder for a brief moment if [i]she[/i] even knew what she meant, or maybe she had just phrased it wrong. He had thought he had been pretty damn clear with his intentions thus far, though hers seemed to be slightly different if what she said was true. Truly, Alan couldn't remember the last actual relationship he had been in that didn't stem from trying to get a girl into bed with him, agreeing only to the relationship in hopes to get into her pants sooner and then breaking it off after he got bored with the sex. He drew in his lower lip into his mouth, running his tongue over it as he tried to think, tasting more than orange juice and her own flavor there, but something that had his eyebrow raising up a bit. Strawberry... tequila? Closing his eyes for a moment, he tried to think on why that tasted so familiar, and yet so strange until finally he remembered the alcohol he had bought for Daria. Oh... right... they were friends... Well he supposed he should have seen that one coming, though by the way Eliza was acting with him then and now, he could only assume that Daria hadn't said a word to her friend. He wasn't sure [i]how[/i] this would work out if she had... He pulled his forehead away from hers a bit, tilting his head back just a bit so that he was looking down at her from the bottom of his eyes, chewing on his cheek as he tried to remember what it was that he had said in the first place before his mind began to wander. "It's the magic, huh? Chicks always dig the magic... wanting to know if I can... work a little magic of my own." He replied with a confident wink. Letting her gaze wander for a moment she relaxed her arm around his neck letting the hand on his cheek drop until both of them were resting on his shoulders again her body sitting up straighter as she pushed on him lightly putting more space in between their bodies, turning her gaze back to meet his her smile dropped instantly from her face her lips still parted as she spoke clearly taken back by his reaction to her words and then again by his own response, "It has nothing to do with the magic... And it certainly doesn't have anything to do with wanting to find out if you can work it in other ways. I can't believe it... You really think that I'm [i]that[/i] type of girl..?" She knew exactly what he was talking about and though she had never done it before herself, sex was certainly one of the furthest things on her mind if not the last thing all together. Feeling more than a little disappointed in both him and herself she shook her head her body turning away from him as she stood up brushing past him as she headed back to where their clothes were laying in a heap on the ground. Feeling her slip away from him before her words had a chance to sink into his mind, he immediately realized that he had fucked up somewhere. With his mind moving on auto-pilot, putting his years of a womanizer to use, Alan got up from his sitting position on the edge of the hot tub and quickly caught up to Eliza, reaching out and wrapping an arm around her waist and pulled her back into him bringing her back flush with his chest. "Hey, hey, hey... Princess... I was only joking; a jest. C'mon, you know I don't think you're that kind of girl..." He reassured her, keeping his voice low. Well... [i]now[/i] he knew she wasn't that kind of girl... dammit. But that only made her a challenge for him to work on, a puzzle to solve where the reward would be much sweeter than any 'spur-of-the-already-physically-exhausted-moment' he could come up with right now. There just wasn't any way he would be able to move on to the next girl without exploring this one, so he would take this challenge with his head held up high, knowing that he wouldn't find a girl quite like her no matter where or how hard he looked. There was just something about her; rocking body aside, that just... clicked. Slowly moving his other arm to wrap around her from the other direction, he kept his hands on her lower abdomen, feeling the soft muscles beneath her flesh as he rested his chin on her shoulder and planted a small kiss there. "Alright, I'm sorry. Here, let me re-introduce myself..." Pulling himself away from her, he walked around her side to face her straight on and held out a hand for her to shake. "You know Alan the Street Performer. Why don't you just try out plain, simple, poor-boy Alan?" Freezing her body tensed up as she felt his arm slip around her waist pulling her back into his body his chest pressing flat against her causing her to hunch her shoulder her head turning and her lips parting in slight surprise as she looked back at him listening to him try and talk her into staying, furrowing her brows she closed her mouth her jaw clenching as she tried to figure out whether or not she could believe what he was saying to her or if he was just spouting lies to try and help get her into bed with him. Feeling his other arm snake around her body she dropped her hands down to where his were resting against her abdomen her shoulders still hunched over in a defensive manner as she tore her gaze from him, stopping as she felt him lean down his chin resting against her she paused her body relaxing only slightly as she felt his lips pressing lightly against her shoulder and his warm breath flowing over her skin as he continued to try and get her not to leave. Shaking her head with a look of disbelief on her features she stepped back watching as he walked around her only to stop and extend his hand for her to shake as though it was going to make it all better, "..Unbelievable... And why on earth should I believe a single word you say to me..?" He paused before answering, keeping his hand extended out to her while the fingers on his other hand twitched a bit awkwardly at his side, suddenly very aware of the water running down his legs from his drenched boxer shorts. He pressed his lips together, keeping his blue eyes on hers and gave a sideways smile with an innocent shrug, looking similar to that of a child who had just got caught with their hand in the cookie-jar. "Because you think I'm cute?" He tried, remembering her words back at the restaurant earlier that day, but figuring that his answer wouldn't go over very well with how serious she was being (serious was just one of those emotions he just didn't understand too well) he tried a different approach. "And because you know in your heart I'm really a good guy and wouldn't ever hurt you, and, as you said... you trust me." His lips pressed back into a firm line with his latter comment, his mind thinking on the words that he hadn't quite expected to come out of his own mouth. It was strange, because he almost had [i]himself[/i] believing his lie. There was just a whole lot of explainable strangeness when Eliza was around. Good. He liked interesting. "I'm sorry, Princess. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just kind of a dick most of the time; comes with the profession I guess; a sense of humor that no one really gets but me..." Choosing to ignore his earlier attempt at an answer she sighed almost silently as she let her body relax completely her shoulders straightening out and her arms coming up to wrap around her body her gaze drifting away from his, "I understand humor... I'm not stupid or anything like that. I just-..." Shifting slightly where she stood she thought about how to phrase what she wanted to say to him finally giving up before just speaking what was on her mind as best as she could, "I just don't want you thinking that I'm the type of girl who's just going to give you everything that you want, when you want it... I already gave you my first kiss tonight Alan..." Shaking her head softly from side to side she let her arms drop from around her body her eyes lifting back up to meet with his once more, "I'm sorry, I'm not ready to give you my first time too..." "Your first time huh?" Alan asked, pulling back his un-shaken hand a bit to raise it up to cup the side of her face, letting his thumb trace the outline of her lower lip. "Coulda fooled me. I thought you did rather well. Excellent in fact." He grinned, feeling the mood lighten up, at least a little bit. Well, if she wasn't ready [i]now[/i], he had to make sure that there would be plenty of opportunities [i]later[/i] to get what he wanted. That was something he could live with for the time being. Moving both hands now, he placed them, one on each of her shoulders. "Princess, I'm a street magician, not a mind reader- well, I actually have a couple tricks-" Alan had to force his mouth shut to keep it from going rogue with his thoughts. This definitely wasn't the time to start rambling. Couldn't he just be serious for one god damn minute? It was turning out to be a lot harder than he initially thought. "I didn't know this was your first... really, I'm actually seriously surprised a whole slew of guys haven't thrown themselves at your feet, begging for your attention by now. I guess it makes sense though, even [i]I[/i] was intimidated by your radiant beauty at first... but then I realized I was pretty damn good looking too, so I figured it had to work out somehow..." Okay he tried, he really did, but that last statement couldn't be helped, nor the grin on his face at knowing he was being cute. Lifting her shoulders up slightly she dropped them back down slowly her hands coming together in front of her body her gaze wandering down to them as she watched her fingers playing with one another nervously as she began to confess, "It's not that they haven't tried... I mean-... Guys have hit on me before, many times; when I was in school, some of the guys I teach, even a couple of the ones I compete against..." Pausing for a moment she chewed on her lower lip taking a slow breath before she let her eyes lift back up to meet his showing him the truth behind her words the tone of her voice telling him that she honestly believed him to be different from the others that she had met before, "..You're the only guy who's been able to catch my eye... I've been waiting all this time just to find the right guy; someone who was different... Who I thought wasn't a typical guy who just wanted to use me and then move on..." Hesitating for a moment she let her light blue orbs search his for the answers she wasn't sure she was ever going to be able to find on her own without asking, "If your not that guy... Then please, tell me now, before I waste any more of your time by being here..." He could feel the words coming up his throat before he even had a chance to think on them, 'trust your instincts' nearly fell from his lips before he realized what was happening and swallowed them back down. She believed he was different, that he wasn't into her for just her body. How the hell he had managed that one was certainly the most phenomenal magic trick he had yet to pull off, but she was taking the bait, and he was more than willing to set the hook. With years of lying under his belt, Alan slipped one hand down from her shoulder to cup her under the chin, lifting her head up just a bit more as he looked down at her. His other hand slid down from her other shoulder and rested it gently on the curve of her hip as he took a single step forward, closing the distance of their bodies to a hair's breadth. Meeting her eyes, matching the same emotion that she was giving him he nodded. "You won't waste my time, and I won't waste any of yours. You can count on that, Princess." Turning her head to watch his hand slip from her shoulder her lips parting slightly as she felt his fingers cup her chin guiding her gaze back around and up to meet his own her arms raising as she let her hands slide up his chest before coming to a rest on his shoulders, blushing a darker shade of red as she caught the look in his eyes and the gentle tone of his voice she couldn't help the sweet smile that crossed over her lips the same one that they had held earlier when she had been wrapped up in his touch, "Then-... Then can we try this again? Please..?" Leaning in slowly her lips parted in a silent invitation a small gap keeping them separated while she hesitated small slivers of doubt still flickering about her mind though she wanted to believe the best in him... The truth that she believed was behind his every word... Deciding that he didn't want to answer her question with words, he closed the remaining distance between them by pulling her flush against his chest as he pressed his lips back down onto hers almost desperately. However, the moment she began to ease into him, he broke their kiss apart and bent down at the waist a bit, scooping her up in his arms bridal style and carried her back to the ledge of the hot tub. If he wasn't going to be getting any tonight- well, with her, then he was sure as hell going to get his use out of breaking into the lodge, disabling the cameras and relax back into the hot tub while making out with her. Carefully, still holding onto her, he stepped down onto the built-in steps of the hot tub and moved himself over to sit down on the stone seat, feeling the warmth of the water rise up all the way over his navel and almost to his chest. He set her down then back on his lap, allowing her to move into whatever position she felt most comfortable before returning his lips to hers once more. His eyes drifted closed, the hand that had once been supporting her legs moving up to cup her cheek softly, holding her head there as he pressed his lips to hers more firmly, exhaling a hot breath of hair through his nose onto the soft skin of her cheek. A soft gasp escaped through her lips as she felt him pull her hard against his body her breasts pressing against his chest making them appear bigger than they actually were as she arched her back reveling in the feeling that his touch gave her the nervous emotions that she had been feeling earlier overshadowed by the want for his touch and embrace that was now spreading through her, yelping slightly as she felt her legs get scooped out from under her she slid her arms from his shoulders wrapping them around his neck holding on tightly in fear that she was going to fall from his arms to the floor below them the warmth of the water rising up around them helping her to relax once more in his arms. Noticing his grip relax around her she shifted her body twisting it around as she once more bent her legs pressing them in tightly on either side of his as she carefully sat back on his lap her arms tightening pulling herself as close as she could against him as her lips molded again into his her head tilting into the warmth of his palm, her back arching to accommodate for his arm around her while she tried her best not to melt into him right there and then. His lack of words though not expected were exactly what she needed giving her all the answers to the questions she had asked of him, it was a second chance for them to be together, to try again and see where this relationship would go... If that's what this even was... Either way it was something she was curious to find out. Keeping his lips on hers for a good few moments, just enjoying the slow pace they were going, he eventually broke them apart only to plant a firm kiss on the corner of her mouth, and then another on the strong line of her jaw and then a third just under her jaw where he could feel her pulse beating harshly against her skin. Keeping his lips there, he bared his teeth just a bit to graze the tips of them across her skin, though keeping it light and then returning his lips there to finish the elevated action with a gentle kiss. All the while, his hand on her hip had trailed down over the outside of her thigh straddling his right leg, his fingers tracing the strong muscles there down to her knee and then back up again, returning his hand to her thigh like the good little boy she wanted him to be. It was hard, God it was hard, but he refrained from touching her anywhere else; one wrong slip and this entire thing was blown, and he'd be blue-balled more than just one night. He dragged his lips back up the slight trail he had made earlier with his kisses, finding her lips with his once again and returned them there with a hard kiss, prying her lips back open with his tongue and slid it inside, meeting with hers at long last. Her breath feathered as she dropped her head back slightly biting down on her lower lip as she felt his lips slowly trail away from her own leaving soft kissing over her skin causing her to bite down lower the pressure threatening to split her lip open; first the corner of her lips... Then her jaw... And then just a little lower causing her heart to beat frantically within her chest the teenage girl unused to being touched in such a manner. Her breath caught in her throat her body tensing as she felt his hands slide down her legs only to have it relax again as he slid them back up brushing back and forth over her skin in a soothing touch his lips slowly making their way back to hers again forcing her to let it slip from her teeth her tongue brushing up against his as it entered into her mouth, the feeling was new to her and even though she wasn't sure whether she was enjoying it or not she made no move to stop wanting to show him that she was willing to try new things for him if that's what he wanted her to do as she continued to let him explore her mouth. He took it slow, feeling her body shaking slightly against his close hold despite the extreme temperature of the hot tub. For a moment, he simply let her lead, allowing her to set the soft, slow pace of their tongues intertwining as she got used to what he knew was something [i]very[/i] new to her before he eventually took over. He continued to explore her mouth, leaving her tongue behind for a moment to run over the roof of her mouth, exploring more and more of her and finding areas that she especially liked going by the way her body reacted and committing them to memory. This wouldn't be the last time he would kiss her, after all. After what felt like a blissful eternity, he eased his tongue back into his own mouth and slowly parted their lips, lifting the hand opposite her waist to caress the side of her face gently. "So... I'm good for a third date, yeah?" Opening her eyes slowly as she savored the feeling that she could still feel from his lips being against hers, from his tongue moving about her mouth exploring every tiny little inch of her mouth... The thought alone causing her cheeks to turn a brilliant shade of red as she tried to turn her mind and attention back to him as he began to speak to her his touch causing her to automatically lean her cheek into the palm of his hand, taking a deep breath in she held it for a moment or two before finally letting it out slowly through her nose now feeling more confident that she would be able to answer him, "Of course, I can't wait." Relaxing her grip around his neck she slid her arms back just enough to have her hands come together behind him her fingers gently playing with the bottom of his hair as she just admired him for a few peaceful moments just happy to be in his company, "I know that we haven't exactly seen eye to eye on this up until this point... And I'm sorry if bringing it up is going to be a waste considering we just spoke about it, but... I need to hear it from you." Her gaze dropped to his chest for a couple of seconds before she lifted it back up to meet with his eyes once again, "I just need to hear you say it... What is this to you..?" Alan nearly groaned out in annoyance at her question, but he knew immediately that would be the wrong move here, and then he would have to say goodbye to ever getting into her pants. But [i]of course[/i] she wanted to go and put a label on things! Why not? Let things get more complicated, sure. Keeping his hand on her cheek, letting the pad of his thumb gently stroke the skin under it, he met her eyes and used the same answer he always defaulted to with these types of situations; obviously this wasn't the first time he was asked something so serious. "That a stunningly beautiful creature such as yourself found it in her heart to give a poor sonofabitch like myself a whispering chance... and for that I could die tomorrow a happy man. But beyond that..." He paused to then trail his hand down from her cheek to hold the back of her neck, bending his own head forward to graze his teeth playfully on the shell of her ear before whispering, "What do [i]you[/i] want it to be?" Furrowing her brows she frowned as she listened to the words that he was whispering into her ear her hands sliding from around his neck to rest on his chest pushing lightly against it to put more space in between them her expression showing him that his answer clearly wasn't the one that she had been looking for. Was he honestly trying to pull that on her, trying to push her own question back onto her... "Alan... I already know what I want this to be... What I would like, what I do want now, is to find out whether or not [i]you[/i] want the same thing that I do." Shaking her head softly she kept her gaze fixed on his as she let her words sink in hopefully stirring up some sort of truthful answer that he was willing to give her in return for her asking him the question in the first place, "I want your honest answer. Is that too much to ask for... So please; what is this to you?" She asked the question again her back curving as she leant back into the water keeping the space between them her arms dropping down and pressing against her as she waited for him to answer her eyes burning with the curiosity that she had and the hope that she wasn't wrong about him. Feeling her pushing back on him slightly, he knew that there wasn't any way he was going to be getting back to what they were doing without answering her, but at the same time he didn't want to screw himself over by an answer either. He removed his arms from her body to rest back on top of the lip of the hot tub that was behind him. "Well, I guess that depends, Princess. What [i]do[/i] you want this to be? You haven't really said anything that would give me any clear idea. Like I said before, I'm not a [i]real[/i] mind reader..." He reminded her. "So, how would I know if it's the same thing if I don't know what it is you want from me?" Huffing out a sigh she stared at him with a look of disbelief on her face her head shaking back and forth slowly as she began to realize that he was never going to give her an answer to her question, "You can't even answer a simple question about what it is that [i]you[/i] want. I thought by the conversation we had earlier that you would have figured out what I want this to be. But I don't care about that, I want to know what you want... I want to know what the hell I am to you." Staring at him for a moment longer she gave up not even bothering to pull herself away in the water as she simply stood up stepping over him and up the steps lifting herself out of the hot tub droplets of water rolling over her skin and down to the floor as she walked quickly over to where her things were laying on the ground waiting for her, crouching down she began to snatch up her clothes standing up only to throw them onto the bench instead taking up the towel so that she could dry herself off before she even thought about pulling them back on, "It isn't a hard question Alan... So I don't understand why you won't just answer it already, why your avoiding it like the damn plague..." Actually letting out a small groan this time, watching her step over him and out of the hot tub, he turned himself around and crossed his arms out in front of him on the surface of the concrete, resting his chin on the tops of his hands. For a brief moment, as he watched her walk away, he managed a glimpse of that same dark spot on the back of her thigh, though his eyes had adjusted to the darkness considerably since they first arrived, and realized it was actually the cutest little birthmark he had ever seen, and upon looking a bit harder, he was able to eventually make out the shape of what ironically looked like a snowflake. [i]Huh... fitting...[/i] His mind was immediately brought back to her at the sound of her agitated voice and with the strength of his arms he pulled himself out of the tub and onto the solid concrete ground. Not even stopping to bother with a towel, he walked to her for the second time and put both arms around her again though held her loosely, the gears in his head working double time trying to remember every sappy chick flick he had ever been subjected into watching. "You want me to say it? Fine. I'll say it. I want you. Bad. I want you to be mine so that no other guy can lay their eyes on you without thinking of me and what I'd do to them if I caught them even so much as lookin. I want to be the guy that points out the hottie in the room and is able to say with pride 'that's my girlfriend.' I wanna be the first thing you think of when you wake up and the last thing you think about when you fall asleep." Hey... it [i]could[/i] work... Hearing the water dripping to the ground behind her she turned her head looking back over her shoulder at him her arm reaching out to drop the towel onto the ground (not wanting it to become drenched) just in time as his arms wrapped around her body again her eyes lifting up to meet his gaze as she tried to figure out what trick he was going to try and pull on her next though her thoughts were blown completely from her mind as he began to speak, her lips parted slightly her heart light in her chest skipping a beat completely before it began to race pounding against her rib cage with each word that he spoke causing her stomach to churn though this time she couldn't pick the emotions that were beginning to spread through every fiber of her being her voice slightly breathy as she tried to answer, "..Oh Alan..." Not being able to form any other words she turned on her heel her arms shooting up and around his neck as she pressed herself up onto the balls of her feet pulling him down the rest of the way to close the gap as she pressed her lips as hard as she could against his own trying to show him what she couldn't get across with her words at this time in her moment of excitement and happiness, pulling back after what felt like a lifetime she let her lips brush over his skin leaving a warm trail of breath over his skin as she pulled him closer letting herself come to a stop once she had them pressed against his ear her voice soft no more than a whisper as she finally came up with the words she had been searching for, "I want to be all those things... And more... But only for you..." Gauging by her girlish reaction, he had to figure that he had managed to finally find the right thing to say. Instinctively returning his kiss, as his mind wasn't even in the picture the moment she was touching him again- and even if it was just for a brief moment, he continued to hold her close as she parted their lips once more. Running his hand up her back slightly, feeling the hardened muscles there and then running his hand back down, he rested his palm on her lower back just above her bikini bottom's line and started to rub his fingers in small, firm circles where he knew most women carried a lot of stress, hoping that he was at least getting across that he was somewhat happy about this. "Well then, it's settled. That one cute guy doing cheap card tricks in the Tahoe Ski Lodge Lobby, probably illegally, is now and completely yours." He informed her with a jerky sort of single nod followed by a quirky smile. Smiling she tightened her arms around him her eyes closed for a moment as she leaned in gently nuzzling her nose against the nape of his neck her warm breath flowing over his skin as she enjoyed the moment happy to just stand there forever in his strong embrace, freezing a moment as she thought back to earlier on that day in the lobby when she had seen him pulling tricks with the women staying there her heart froze causing her to pull back her eyes staring into his as she tried to look serious through the happiness she was feeling was unable to be masked no matter how hard she tried, "Just promise me one thing... Promise me you won't do any card tricks that involve kissing other girls... Please... Unless it's me on the receiving end of your lips, I don't even want to think about it..." She gave him a gentle but weary smile knowing from the crowd that had been gathered around that it was one of the more popular tricks that he was able to pull off with ease though just the thought of it caused her chest to tighten with slight jealousy, biting her lower lip softly she slid one of her hands around from his neck letting it rest softly on his cheek for a few moments before she slid it up letting her fingers run through his hair pushing it back off his face so that she could see him properly, "If you can do this... If you can promise me this one thing, then that cute blonde princess you stalked at lunch? Well she'll completely belong to you as well." He visibly flinched at the thought of having to remove such an important part from his act. The distraction of kissing a bunch of hormonal teenage girls had proven to be the best way to nick various items from them in their distraction. Aside from the magic 'card swapping' by holding onto their wrists and taking their wrist-watch, it was the best way he got 'paid.' But just as quickly as these thoughts came to him, another few replaced them. Nevada was a big place. Hell, [i]Tahoe[/i] was a big place. He didn't have to keep his magic act to the confines of the lobby, so as long as he steered clear from her a few miles at a time, then there was no harm in just doing whatever the hell he wanted; and that most definitely included kissing (among other things) other girls. At her second statement, his expression lightened and even his smile returned to his lips. "Oh, you mean that girl Ashley I followed into the restaurant? I dunno, she kind of shook me off pretty quick, I had to settle on the next cute blonde I spotted..." He chuckled but before she could go off in another one of her fits he quickly amended with, "I'm joking! I'm joking!" Hopefully, that would throw her enough to forget he had to actually say the words that he promised... because really, he didn't... nor would he promise something like that. Rolling her eyes she scrunched her face up trying to be cute as she dropped one of her hands playfully shoving his shoulder before she leaned back up her nose gently brushing back and forth against his own, "You're so damn lucky that you're as cute as you are..." Closing her eyes she let her body relax into his her head turning as she leaned in resting it against his chest her arms relaxing around his neck as they slid down over his shoulders and around his chest her palms flat against his bare back, opening her eyes slowly a small movement caught her attention causing her to flick her gaze up to the clock that was hanging on the wall the groan escaping her lips before she could stop herself. "Oh crap... I really don't want to go back there... They're going to kill me for ditching them and sneaking out the house..." Pursing her lips for a moment she thought about ways that she could possibly get out of seeing her sister and Daria both tonight and the following day, all she needed was enough time to pass for them to forget about her leaving the house in the middle of their annual sleepover or at least give her enough time to work out the best time to tell them why she had done it. Dropping her head back her arms relaxed a little so that she was able to look up at him her chin resting gently on his chest and a small smile playing on her lips, "Hey, since we're here and I have access to the cards, did you wanna just spend the night? I don't remember seeing your name on the guest list, but I can fix you up with a room or cabin if you want... Maybe even a suite. I just really don't want to go home and face my sister right now... I mean, she's been drinking, but she isn't that oblivious to the actions of those around her..." The notion that Eliza didn't want to return home... [i]and[/i] abuse her rights as a lodge employee [i][b]and[/i][/b] get them [i]both[/i] a room for the night was all too tempting; there wasn't [i]any[/i] way in [i]hell[/i] he would be able to pass something like that up. Though, the very moment that she had brought up drinking, the gears in his head began to work again. Sure sober Eliza wasn't ready for anything more... but [i]drunk[/i] Eliza might... and with the two of them alone for the night, he very well may get what he wanted all along and be single again by morning. Taking her hands in his and bringing them together, he raised them up to his lips and placed a kiss in each of her palms before pulling away slightly. "Of course, I couldn't think of a better way to end my evening..." He stated with a genuine smile. "But, you'll have to text me the room number or something. Actually, just call me, I'm a bit bad with numbers sometimes. But I'm a bit hungry, and I'm sure you are too, so I'll go and grab us something to eat, maybe a couple drinks... a movie? Anyway, yeah, just let me know where you end up and I'll come and find ya." He finished, reaffirming his statement with a firm nod before reaching over to the vinyl chair and picked up his towel for the first time, patting himself dry to the best of his ability before starting to get dressed again. Her smile brightened as she listened to his answer her eyes dropping to her hands watching on as he lifted them up giving each of them a soft kiss upon her palm before her head nodding as she agreed to what he was saying just glad that he was willing to spend the night with her rather than subjecting her to hour long interrogations if she had of needed to go home, "Alright..! I'll get us the suite and I promise I'll call you with the room number, when you get there all you have to do is knock and I'll let you in okay?" Lifting her hand up she brushed some of the stray strands of hair sticking to her face back with the rest of her hair before she turned and began to gather up her things one by one hurrying to pull them onto her body so that she could go and do what she needed to do, "You're right by the way, I'm starving. After I left you in the restaurant I kinda skipped lunch... And dinner to get that paperwork done... So..." Pulling on her last boot she stood up straight turning to face him as she reached out her hands resting softly on his chest, "Food and a movie sound amazing right now, and as long as you can cure me of any hangover I get in the morning, then I can definitely go for a few drinks too." Gripping hold of the front of his top softly but firmly she pushed up on the balls of her feet she pressed her lips against his once again in a slow kiss wanting to savor it as much as she could before he left to go get what they needed from town. Jesus Christ this was too easy. All he had to do was guarantee he could cure her hangover? He had a million different remedies, not that he would really stick around long enough afterwards to care too much, but that was neither here nor there. Kissing her back with a bit more desire than he had intended, he let his arms wrap back around her briefly, pulling her into him before letting her go again. "Alright, alright." He said both to her and to himself to help clear his head. "Alright. Food, a movie, some drinks... shouldn't take me too long..." Breaking apart from her, he took a few steps and bent down at the hip, plucking the half-eaten orange from the ground and then gently tossed it over to her. "Here, something to tie you over until I get back for the main course." He winked, straightening himself back up. He patted his jean pockets, making sure everything was where it was supposed to be, mainly his wallet and his favorite deck of trick cards that now held most of the girls' phone numbers from earlier. "And by all means, in my absence, feel free to text, call, send as many nude pics as you want... it will keep me going on this perilous journey." He added on, if a bit dramatically with a mock of a bow before heading towards the pool room exit. Rolling her eyes she leaned down grabbing her phone up from the ground before she held it up waving it a little so that he could see it in her hand as he gave her an extremely over-dramatic bow making a show of mucking around with her, "I can text... I can call... But my dear sir, the closest to a nude you shall get is a bikini or underwear shot, and that's only if you're lucky and manage to talk me into it." Bringing her hands together in front of her she smiled chuckling to herself as she watched him leave the room pausing to look back around at the hot tub for a few moments before she followed behind making a beeline straight to the front desk so that she could check them into the lodge's suite for the night.