[quote=@Pie Flavor] WIP [hider= Yunan] Name: Yunan Race: Talented Human Wizard Age Looks like he is around 18 Personality Yunan is a silent person who doesn't like to talk outside of his groups of friends, generally remaining impassive during conversations. When he is in his group of friends even then he is still remains quite silent, preferring to listen rather than input as it always has been that way with Yunan. He always liked watching the world move while he watched, it gave him a calming effect on him and preferred watching other be happy rather than him for a strange reason. Bio Yunan was an extraordinary initiate when he first joined the S.D.O as he before then was working on another government agency however had been assigned to help out the S.D.O for his unique skill set. During his years as an DIA agent, he had been an interesting agent who was able to gain information that others could not with the use of his abilities and could defend himself quite well when against multiple opponents by questionable means. He had if anything an positive work relationship always doing what was needed to be done and was done with them in a fashionable amount of time that wasn't too long or short. He always worked in pairs as he was the one who keep an eye on their backs as they dealt with the dirty work, he would make sure that they were safe. Using magic and clairvoyance together was something difficult at the time Yunan could do and it made his life easier as he saved his agent's life several times with them. However after the DIA and into the S.D.O he went, where he had met with his new partner who was on the same caliber of skill despite being a human, it was obvious that hey could easily handle themselves without Yunan but the two would greatly benefit the help of on another so they accepted working together as long as nothing conflicted. With his past DIA experience and his Secret Level security clearance it wasn't hard for Yunan to quickly achieve and earn the trust of a rank 3 command. However after talking to people he finally realized that he only could get up to rank 4 access due to him being an supernatural, and it was reasonable in Yunan's opinon. Equipment [list] [*] [i][b]Solomon's Staff[/b][/i]: A mystical staff which channels the surrounding environment to preform spells without using the caster's own energy to preform them. However, its ability to intake energy is slower and Yunan usually uses his own magic to accelerate the process. The staff however does save him some trouble by reducing how much mana he uses when casting a spell. With today's environment and technology this staff is still functional as he is able to take energy from spirits and the sky, however severely weakened due to lack of nature. [*] [i][b]Equinox Cube[/b][/i]: A mysterious cube that intakes any liquid or gas and converts it to clean breathable oxygen. The cube requires a host to drain mana from, but when it does it becomes a moving air-filter cleaning out impurities from the air. Its an strange piece of technology that was useful back in the day but now it serves no purpose. The mana drain for keeping the cube up is so little that its barely noticeable. [*] [i][b]Magical Suppression Device[/b][/i]: A collar that attaches around Yunan's neck which severly hampers with his abilities as a magician, it limits the output of magic that he can put in a spell so, it doesn't destroy everything in its wake. Its also due to the insecurities of humans have about Yunan that make them keep this collar on him, but Yunan is still capable of high caliber magic even with this thing on. Unknown to humans its simply just training Yunan's body to allow him to use magic even when suppressed. [*] [i][b]Magical Insulation Gloves[/b][/i]: These gloves are specifically used to help with casting magical spells, they help with the recoil effect of when Yunan preforms spells that go out of control sometimes. Outside helping reduce the recoil when casting spells, the gloves also are resistant to magical spells and help controls magic slightly better. [/list] Powers: Yunan's abilities are more focused to help out his partner in preforming his job better, he analyzes the battle field and provides information which helps him attack properly when the time is right. With the use of magic to phase, attune and even create bullets anything is possible with Yunan working with his partner at full throttle. Yunan specializes in various branches of magic but his most renown area of studies are his thunder spells as well as his protection spells. Outsides those two specialized branches of magic, Yunan also has an adept skill in using clairvoyance to scout out the battlefield and the surrounding area for threats, outside those areas of practice Yunan preforms decently in them. His magical prowess is intimidating to other magicians and is considered to be a top-tiered magician if he continues on his curve for several years, as he is an extremely adept pupil when taught and would be a interesting teacher if he ever becomes one. However this also comes with the cost of doubt being placed when Yunan might go haywire of something else about him betraying the A.D.O. so people often dont let him go running around with a person following him. They also put an proto-type of a magical restraining collar on him to 'test' it out on Yunan to try and limit the amount of power than he is able to put out. Allegiance: A.D.O - Former DIA Department: Counter Intelligence Rank: 3 [/hider] [hider= Sakuyra] Name: Sakuyra Race: Human Wizard Age She looks pretty young maybe around 16 Personality Saykura is a silent and quiet individual who doesn't like talking to other much. Her time interacting is little to nonexistent, with her only companion being her partner Yunan. Between the two, that is when Saykura talks however it is only mostly about what is happening in the battle, asking for statuses and other things. However the very rare small talk does come out of her mouth, besides that questions are the only thing that you hear from Saykura. Bio Saykura was part of the FBI when she was considered of joining in the S.D.O Equipment [list] [*] [i][b]Arcane Sniper Rifle[/b][/i]: Questionable piece of technology which utilizes the magician's mana into turning it into an concentrated bullet. The overall power of this gun far surpasses what an regular one can even try to do and the gun is compatible with other magicians all that is required is experience to knowing how to use a sniper rifle. Only draw back is that the reloading time, takes literally forever meaning that Saykura must be prepared to aim and focus as its her only one shot. [*] [i][b]Anti-Magic Piercing Rounds[/b][/i]: Bullets enchanted by other magicians to pierce through spells of other magicians, its a hypocritical idea but never the less an helpful one as it saves mana for Saykura. These bullets are able to penetrate powerful shields except for the strongest of them and can rip through metal and steel easily unless enchanted with magic. These bullets hard hard to make so their is a limited supply that Saykura gets per month being 5. [/list] Powers: Saykura abilities are mostly focused on herself and enhances her own attacks mostly due to the fact that she is more like a one-shot overkill to simplify it. Her abilities are mostly used to trace down her opponents and destroy them with the use of her Sniper Rifle. However despite her focus on taking down her enemy with her sniper rifle, with her being in the Counter Intelligence department she also has other areas to fill out as well. Her main area of specialization of magic is illusion, most commonly used to confuse her opponents by disorienting them with many images of herself running in different directions. Allegiance: A.D.O - Former DIA Department: Counter Intelligence Rank: 4 [/hider] [/quote] accepted