[h2][center][b]Lord Captain Damon Farrow[/b][/center][/h2] Damon heard her telling them that she was planning on acting against Donat and picked up his pace. While Damon was no friend of Donat he was also no friend people telling the world they planned to betray him, since he knew any real threat to Donat would force his hand and his men would be fighting most the Kingdoms armies alone. He began to ease his pace as he reached the group, jogging past the people on the outside and walking to Hazael herself. "Are you MAD!" he said when he arrived, breathing deeply from the frantic sprint down once he heard what she was saying. "Do you want.." he stopped, taking a deep breath "Knight Lieutenant Commander, if anyone breaths a word of this in the palace then the king wont last two minutes!" he took another breath, an uncertain look in his eyes "I should lock you up right now, to stop this getting out of hand..." then he shook his head, the hand clutching his sword hilt dropped, then rose to meet Damon's forehead "But.. I wont. If what you say is true I guess I can.. double the guard and.. and then what?!" His hand dropped down again and he vaguely saluted, he may not follow the normal military ranks but he WAS a soldier, even if she would be more likely to salute him then the other way around. "I suppose I am yours to command, if what you say is true and this is going to happen then what's the kings guard going to do against Donat and his pawns?"