Charles had terrible dreams, dreams of bloodshed and destruction. there were entire cities destroyed and burning, men, women and children's brutally butchered bodies lying on the ground. Pools of blood were everywhere as fire rained down from the sky and he heard the screams of people being butchered by savage beasts. Charles saw terrible monsters roam the land, hunting down victims and tearing them apart. He then awoke in a sweat, another dream of destruction and gore. He had these almost regularly and he wondered if this was a sign of the prophesy coming true. He quickly got dressed and looked around for his teammates inside the base. Charles felt the chaoic magic within him trying to force itself out in destructive ways, but he was able to keep it at bay thanks to his iron will, but it was a hard thing to achieve when it felt like he was at war with himself. He soon came upon the rest of the Young Justice team and he didn't wave or smile like some of them, he just did a polite greetings. "good morning, I trust your dreams weren't as unpleasant as mine" he said to them as it seemed to get a little darker and colder in the room while he talked, his magic tended to do that.