[centre][img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/192/b/6/polish_hussar_by_gremo_photography-d56t3si.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.wulflund.com/image-service.php?pid=1063&lang=en[/img] Name: Radovan Race: Human Class: Hussar/Knight(?) Aspect: Fixed Essence: Lawful Neutral Element: Water, Ice Weapon(s): -Long Lance -Saber -Koncerz sword Personality: Radovan is a joyful and jolly man. He loves a swig of ale just as much as the village drunk and won't hesitate to gamble his money in card games and whatnot. That being said, past experience has made him cautious and wary of others and life in general. If he does gamble he will likely set himself a limit as to the amount of money he will gamble and if he is drinking he'll try to keep to a limit to avoid thievery. He cares greatly for animals and wildlife and hates to see them killed violently and would prefer a quick, clean death to one that involves pointless violence. In battle he is a ruthless enemy and a loyal ally. Image: Radovan stands at 5 foot 10 and is of a slightly muscular build. His armour is light and is always well maintained and as shiny as Radovan can keep it. History: Radovan was born in a small kingdom north of Augustus named Khenite. The kingdom was notable for its mounted cavalry and it's main export of pork. From a young age, Radovan took after his father, a hussar for the king's royal army. Radovan's father essentially trained him from the day that Radovan could hold a sword to be fit to join the royal army and to his surprise Radovan was a prodigy on the mount. His skills on the ground left a bit to be desired, but his father soon made him adequate on the ground, something he would need to be if his horse had ever died while in battle. At the young age of 19 Radovan was accepted into the king's royal army and gradually rose through the ranks until he became a lieutenant. It was around this time that Radovan's military life drastically changed. During a war between Khenite and a neighbouring kingdom. The war was drastically one-sided for the Khenites, but they vastly underestimated their opponents. The neighbouring kingdom employed the use of a sprawling spy network too just about kill all of the high ranking members of the royal family and the military. Radovan was lucky to escape from a fight between 3 of the spies with his life. He had killed one of the spies with a quick stab, but was left with a nasty scar leading from his knuckle to his elbow. He escaped to Augustus where he made a name for himself as a training instructor for the mounted units in Augustus. He one day hopes to return to Khenite, but he predicts that wont be for a long time. Add'l Info: [/centre]