Nation Name: The Merchant Kingdom of Mercatura Flag: [img][/img] Government: A classic monarchy mixed with a bit of venice, the king, or Doge in this case, rules, but he has a small council voted by the people that help him make decisions. Economy: The country specializes in trade, which is obvious. They trade precious metals, such as gold, platinum, and diamond, but also have a large fishing industry. They are merchant conservatives. Leader(s): Doge Negotiatori IV Archdoge Negotiatori V General Proelium Queen Puella the 2nd Important People: Head Merchant Mortem Vita Desired Map location: [img][/img] Important Locations: Urbs vitae: The city of life, some say. The city located at the bottom of the peninsula, Urbs, as the people in the Kingdom call it, is the largest trade area in the empire, commanding trade from all over the known world. Large navies are also docked in the harbors there, waiting to pounce on anyone attempting to Destroy the mighty kingdom Cædem: Also known as the fortress, is the capital. It is surrounded by walls, and only the rich and royal may live there. It is on one of the remote islands in the east of the nation. A giant castle lies on top of a hill in the city, and that is where the Doge, Archdoge, and Queen live. Cultural Overview: The People of Mercatura are a happy bunch, preferring diplomacy of war. Mercaturaians follow the religion of Pietas, a monotheistic religion where they praise an almighty creator for everything. They speak Mercatrian, (It is latin lol), a language that has been spread across sea to sea from the trade. Technology Overview: Mercatura focuses on anything that can help them make money, from easier ways to mine to faster ships, Mercatura attempts to build them. They have special ships, called celeritate daemonia, that have the ability to travel with the winds help and can even move at a decent speed against the wind. They also have created and mixed multiple types of ore, including the most expensive thing Mercatura owns, Datimondum, a mix between platinum and diamond. Mercaturaians found a way to melt down and mix diamonds, and now use it to there advantage. They keep the process of it secret, making sure no other country has the ability. Military Overview: Oceanus Reges (Navy): The Oceanus Reges is the navy of the nation, it is one of the most advanced on the planet, with ships that move fast and can carry large amount of troops to transport and cannons. When at war, the nation fights like pirates, ransacking other ships and stealing there women and goods and killing there men. Reges Terrae (Army): The Reges Terrae is the army of the nation, it is not as advanced as the navy, but it can still hold its own against most. They hold early flintlock rifles and bayonets, which are standard grade dipped in Datimondum tips for the knives on the guns.