FYI, it's spelled Empress. [b]Name:[/b] Erowyn [b]Race:[/b] Centaur [b]Class:[/b] Barbarian [b]Aspect: [/b]Fixed [b]Essence: [/b]Chaotic Neutral [b]Element:[/b] Stone [b]Weapon(s):[/b] An enormous warhammer, substantially larger than most normal humans are capable of using. Also a bag containing rocks ranging from the size of a human fist to a human head, used primarily as thrown weapons. Personality: Brash. Loud. Stubborn. She's monstrously strong and she knows it, to the point of overconfidence. [b]Image:[/b] (I'll try to dig out a picture later). A good foot taller than even normal Centaurs, she's clearly got a massive amount of muscle on her. Her dirty brown hair is usually messily tied back into a ponytail, and she always wears some manner of covering for her missing right eye, ranging from a tied sash of fabric, a pirate-style eyepatch, or something else. It really depends on what's handy when she needs to replace what she was using before. [b]History:[/b] Erowyn was always big for her age. Utterly inept with a bow, she displayed no aptitude for the iconic Centaur weapon at any point. In fact, she completely lacked the grace or fluidity normally found in female Centaurs, preferring to spend her time play fighting with the boys—and as the years went on, she wound up outgrowing even them. Eventually, as she continued to grow beyond the norm, she decided to strike out on her own to see the world. She discovered that she made a fantastic mercenary for brute-force sort of work, and gained a bit of a reputation as a wrecking ball. It wasn't all glory though, she lost her right eye while working with a group that was contracted to clear a group of giants out of a cave. She has hated giants with a vengeance since, though she has kept up her mercenary work. If anything, her missing eye and gradually increasing number of scars just make her seem even more intimidating, and these days she has no shortage of work.