[quote=@Marshall] Listen. This looks like it could be amazing but there is too much to it. The reading of it goes like this: Sci-Fi Space Adventure, ok some magic thrown in, wtf Merlin?, Demons? In short, I think you should take this to the drawing board, rethink what people want to RP about and go with that. I suggest something more like, Sci-Fi starts to merge with "magic" due to some material. Sci-Fi Roleplayers like realism. Fantasy Roleplayers want medieval. Good luck. [/quote] 1) Why does fantasy have to be medieval? Does magic cease to exist when technology advances? 2) There actually were stories of Merlin being sired by a demon. Probably started by the Catholic church, but, whatever. 3) There is a tombstone in England that says it's Author's tombstone, but there is no evidence that Camelot existed. Is it such a stretch that in a world where magic existed, magic could have destroyed it? 4) Some aliens have magic, some don't. This is humans without magic running into those that have magic. 5) Have you never wanted to write an original idea, not just another cookie cutter sci-fi of fantasy world? This is my attempt to do that. 6) most fiction sounds weird if you just read the premise. Ex: the Egyptian gods were aliens that burrow into your neck and take control of your body. Humans from the USAF go to other worlds through an ancient alien wormhole generator that those aliens left here but can't make, in order to fight the Egyptian god aliens. Also the Roswell grey aliens were the norse gods and the aliens that made the wormhole machine were humans that evolved before us and got superpowers, then became gods, but real ones this time. And Merlin and Morgan Lafey were one of them. Think of it this way: Magic was practiced in the past, and got very powerful. Merlin left for another world at that time, taking people with him. Hundreds of years later, after magic has died out, humans travel to that world with science. They clash.