Across the street from the café, high up on top of a business building, dangled a pair of legs. They were lean, slender limbs and the body they were connected to was reclining on top of the roof. Soft black locks blew gently in the breeze that danced by, sending the strands into glowing violet eyes stared up at the blue sky while rose red lips were turned up in a lopsided grin. Small objects circled above the figure, revealing to be dolls of different colors, make, and shapes. They floated as if suspended on an invisible string, bobbing in the air as some dipped closer to the person laying on the ground before spiraling back into the air. One doll in particular dived down to hover next Raven’s face. [color=violet]”Ne, Mary, what are we going to do today?”[/color] Raven murmured, amethyst eyes flickering to rest on the creepy doll. Mary jolted, arms waving. [color=lightblue]”We could always go mess with those goody-goody heroes.”[/color] The voice that spoke was high in pitch and one could almost believe the doll had actual spoken if it had not been for the fact that Raven’s lips had moved when Mary ‘answered’. Said boy sat up, head tilting to the side. [color=violet]”That sounds like a great idea, I haven’t messed with them today yet!”[/color] Raven stood and flung a hand out to a concrete slab. Glowing yellow threads shot out from his fingers and wrapped tightly around the slab. Raven walked to edge of the building and stood right on the lip. Standing, the wind was stronger now and wiped his midnight locks about. The long overcoat he wore was fluttering behind him. He grinned and tipped forward, feet leaving the ground as he began to free-fall. The strings then tightened and he began swinging high above the city, dolls trailing in his wake.