[h2]New Torrea[/h2][h3]Tsubasa[/h3] "And let's, again just for fun, pretend you DID manage to bring down the target, as every member of your occupation claims they're the best and I'm sure you're no exception, so an entire castle of guards, mages, and people trained from youth to stop your kind clearly makes nooooo difference. Then what? There's now an entire nation with no leader, fired up over expansionist ideals, and someone with less subtlety than the Minister takes control and makes the situation worse. Or someone who supports the current way of doing things takes over and does an inquisition to find MORE traitors. Or you fail, you're head is piked, and he once again speeds up his plan since he knows he's been outed. You're asking for a lot of money for a bad outcome either way." "Do I look like I care? No, really, look at my face." Tsubasa glared at the woman, a snarl on his lips and malice in his eyes. "She wants somebody dead. I want money. I kill the guy, I get the money, win-win. Obstacles? Don't care. Power vacuum? Don't care. Whether you, the rest of these people, the poor, the rich, the good, the evil, the starving babies, toothless grandmas, anyone at all lives or dies? Do. Not. Care." He turned back to Hazael. "You're the only one with something to say I DO care about, namely being, are you willing to pay or not? If not, I'll just leave town and find somewhere my services would be more acceptable. Or maybe, when your little coup d'etat goes horribly awry due to the collective incompetence of this bunch of know-nothings, Donat will put some bounties out, and I'll get my money THAT way."