The Traveler was a bit shocked to meet The Solver. It wasn't the fact that he had just single-handedly taken down the three men on his own, though that was awesome to see, it was the fact that he finally found someone who spoke the same language. "Oh my God, yes! Finally someone who speaks English," he said while following The Solver. Not knowing that The Solver had come from another timestream like he did, The Traveler started bombarding him with questions. "Who are those guys? What do they want from me? Who are you? Where are we even at?" he asked in quick succession, not really giving The Solver any time to answer any of the questions. The Traveler then heard a loud whirring noise coming from behind them. "And what's that thing?" Then the small quadcopter began firing at them. "Oh, it's dangerous. Okay." The Traveler than grabbed a nearby trash can lid and used it as a shield to block most of the small arrows coming at the pair. Unfortunately, two of them ended up puncturing his leg. He threw the trash can lid at the quadcopter and limped after The Solver. All he could think at that moment was, [i]"Please, don't let these things be tranquilizers... or poisoned. That would be bad."[/i]