Rennac sighed and shook his head. "I do not believe you are without honor. Quite the contrary in fact. Even with this you show more honor than I dare to say a few of my allies within the guild. Given differing circumstances and more transparency, much of this would have turned out differently in my mind. I have merely seen instances of dishonor and noted them. It is my hope that those who showed those acts are in the vast minority. If I had believed your people as a whole to be without honor, I would never have accepted this mission and Ferran would be cutting ties with your people entirely for a time no less than a decade. I almost did after Karasis nearly had me killed in that council room. It was Xiranthis who turned me around and talked me into staying. He and the other council members showed me more than enough honor to redeem the actions of Karasis, even after he nearly had me killed. For a Wolkar to change his opinion of a race that had treated him so harshly during talks of peace is... well, lets just say this will be a first. Normally when we see a race as unable to work with others, we see something that would destroy us if we ever allowed them be among us. You have been honorable, even more so now that I know you too were unaware of what the dataspike was. Seems Xiranthis keeps his own men in the dark as much as he does his enemies.. I'm just used to having all the facts that my people have upfront, no surprises that could potentially get a group killed." The wolkar went to a projector screen in the ship's lounge and brought up a hologram of the planet below, six red circles shown and a few smaller yellow ones coming up as well "For now, we have a good half dozen man made landing zones to check. No beacons active so we'll need to eyeball it. Would say split up and cover more ground, but if Klith knows we're coming it would be foolish to walk into an ambush alone. Would recommend either sticking together in a loose formation or having one examine the area in the open while the other stays hidden closeby, but still in contact with silent radio checks. Though, there is still one question.." Rennac sat silently down in one of the chairs nearby, removing his helmet with a pondering expression on his face. "With what Klith knows, how serious is a threat to your people? I only ask this because we need to face the possibility he may escape if we go easy and use non-lethal methods. He has escaped once before, and he can likely do so again. I am all for having him on trial and publicly punished, but I am not comfortable doing so if it puts a planet of people in danger. You are a part of the covert soldier unit he was previously in charge of, and I need your honest opinion on this matter: Does Klith know enough to put your world and it's people in considerable danger? Is he too dangerous to try and take in alive?"