[hider=Ellis] [CENTER][IMG]http://cdn.myanimelist.net/images/characters/8/255699.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/ah2OKFj.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [CENTER][B][I]"Surrender and become mine... It is your only option."[/I][/B][/CENTER] [B]Name:[/B] Ellis Val Sonata. [B]Age:[/B] She claims to have 18, though many think she is younger. [B]Race:[/B] Human. [B]Personality:[/B] Ellis is someone quite monotone in the way she talks, showing no emotion neither in her expressions or her words. However, this doesn't mean she is emotionless, rather, she does indeed have lots of emotions, and most of them are full of perverted-ness. Do not be fooled by her child-like exterior, since inside her resides one of the most perverted creatures that have ever walked through Earth, and one with a really odd sense of modesty too. She has no sense of decency whatsoevr and kisses everyone she meets the first time she does. She is also quite the oddball, often saying she is in fact, a succubus. She also likes to play tricks and annoy other people, mostly those she would consider her rivals. She prepares traps, pranks and things of the like to infuriate others, often getting out of line because of them. While some thought at first that it was a childish attempt to get attention, they were proved wrong after people tried to shower her with enough attention for her to be satisfied, but that changed nothing, as Ellis had only acquired easier targets for her pranks, as well as favorite victims for them. Ellis continues to prank others even to this day, and often gets on the nerves of others just by using her sharp tongue. While she could be described more as an imp rather than a devil, because of her more childish personality in general, she is still rather twisted. [B]Powers and Abilities:[/B] TBR [B]Background:[/B] TBR[/hider] [h2][/h2] Me is here, Harurun! :D