"Grunt? Heehee!" Cassie grinned at both men. Adorable. She figured her plan would be met with this reaction. Greed and pride were just a few traits men who think they have power were prone to. She remained grinning, eyes flitting to Hazael. The assassin was just that, an assassin. Trying to show how little he cared, for coin. Too easy to manipulate, too easy to remove from the picture, since anyone with nothing to prove would have just stayed quiet. The Captain...well, depending on how things went, he wouldn't have any authority or power over her soon enough. Still, his pride was showing. A lot. She understood his position though. But now that she'd seen his reaction, she knew how to better handle him. She watched the Knight Lieutenant instead, jackal grin wide. Her intent was what would matter. Despite all this, Cassie hadn't made up her mind on whether or not she would remain with the military or join this coup. Judging by the gathering...it'd be way easier to just side with the Minister, report them all, and watch them burn. But it wouldn't necessarily be right...she hated having problems she couldn't just shoot aside.