A great ball of energy surged in the middle of the Amazon Rainforest. As the ball began to grow, nearby foliage began to catch on fire. Suddenly, a figure stepped out from the anomaly. For a few moments, Overlord floated there, taking in his surroundings and watching the destruction he had just caused with no sign of empathy. [i]"This world is weak, fragile. It shall fall, just like every other."[/i] Then, in an instant, he was gone. Traveling at lightning fast speeds towards the nearest sign of civilization he saw. "You there. Peasant. Where can I find Donald Levy? He will most likely have a similar appearance to myself," he said to the first person he saw. "Quem é você? Por que você está vestida assim?" the man replied. "Well you're useless," Overlord said, before firing off a blast of electricity at the stranger, killing him instantly. At the sight of this, the Brazilian village's center was cleared as its occupants fled to their homes, either to hide or find weapons to fight back. An overwhelming number of men with guns returned to try and stop Overlord, but he only sneered at them and said, "Pathetic." There would be no survivors.