This is a reboot of a previous rp I ran. The basic concept is that the players are a group of humans in a medieval fantasy world who get caught in the middle of a power struggle between angels and demons. The player characters will end up gaining angelic and demonic powers. Eventually the player characters will be expected to pick a side in the struggle. I will separate the story into chapters. [hider=The story so far] In the beginning there were Titans. Some would say they are gods but no such human concept could describe these entities. They are simply immortal creatures who did as their whims dictated. Eventually they grew bored with emptiness that was their universe. They decided it was time for something more. They crafted a device of unimaginable power from the either. This device is called The Engine of Creation. Once they had The Engine they used it to create the Mortal Realm. In the center of this realm was a world called Menargul. This world bred life. All throughout it life as we know it formed. Still it was unorganized and chaotic. This displeased the Titans. The Titans once again used the engine to breath life into Heavenly Realm. This realm was populated with Angels. Beings of pure order. The Angels were given the task of bringing order to Menargul and life that existed on it. The Angels guided life and kept order for thousands of years. Eventually though the angels questioned the authority of the Titans. They thought they were not worthy of governance over creation. After all the Mortal Realm was a mess of disorder and unpredictable phenomena. They sought to take The Engine of Creation for themselves. With that goal they rebelled and attempted to fight the titans and left Menargul unattended. The Titans having never had to fight before didn't know how to defend themselves against the Angels. So they once again used The Engine of Creation to create the Demon Realm. The demon realm was populated with beings pure choas. They were natural enemies of the angels. So a great war began among the immortals. A war that lasted an inconceivable amount of time. The Titans hid themselves away becoming myth as they were forgotten by their creations. However neither the Mortal Realm continued on without interference. Menargul and the life that existed on it progressed and changed. Eventually Humanity formed. They created great kingdoms and empires that spanned the world. They harnessed the natural elements of the planet and created weapons, castles, homes and more. After many many millennia a species formed that could affect the balance of power between the immortal races. That brings us to now. This story begins in the human city of Alku. Alku is the worlds largest city and capital of the Kingdom of Erenos. Recently Alku has been victim to a horrible plague throwing the city into chaos. You look into the sky and see a ball of fire fall into the woods near the city. It disappears into the distance and blinding light comes from the direction you saw it in. For whatever reason you find yourself drawn to it. You feel the need to go and find where it landed. [/hider] [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Self-explanatory. Appearance: What you look like. Ill accept pictures or descriptions or both. Occupation: What are you. Are you a soldier? Are you a merchant? etc. Equipment: What is the basic equipment you carry on your person. Power: Over the course of the rp the characters will receive demonic/angelic powers. Id like you to decide what your first one will be now. Don't go overboard. Some characters might get crazy powerful later but the first power will be something fairly basic. (Examples: The ability to fly, The ability to breath fire, emitting a blinding light from your hand, stuff like that) Motive: What are your goals? What do you want in life. Don't lie. Everyone wants something.(This will be important later in the rp as I will be having the players chose sides.) How you arrived in Alku: How did you arrive in the city. Not applicable if your character was born there. Gender: I don't need to explain this to you. Age: Or this. Personality: Not looking for a big Freudian profile, just a paragraph or two that helps to explain they way they act, think, and interact with others. Bio: Your life story. At least make it a couple paragraphs. Other Information: [/hider]