[hider=Lorenzo] Name: Lorenzo suji Race: scoundrel Age:17 Appearance: [img]http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.607987973083431792&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0[/img] Personality: someone who likes to play the game in terms of other scoundrels. Will lie and steal and maybe some cheating on the side if he feels like it Lorenzo always has a toothy grin on his face to let others know that he believes he is going to rule the business world Lorenzo has no problem getting ahead of others although he wont really kill people often because he calls it wasted effort to kill something so weak and would rather let it live knowing it got out played by a master. Lorenzo prefers the slow pain rather then a painless death, let them know that the rest of their lives he will be the better of them. Description: Lorenzo was raised a normal child as one would expect however his father being a captain of industry gave Lorenzo the kick start he needed to go into business and one day surpass his own fathers dynasty however it was when Lorenzo turned 13 that his father left with only a letter to explain that he was a demon and was only able to be around till Lorenzo turned the demonic number of 13 years when his powers started to develop in full. Lorenzo soon learned that on his birthday he got two watches and was told to never take them off, honestly Lorenzo wondered why he would need to keep two at the same time but decided why not. After a few days Lorenzo was attacked by a fellow scoundrel and as a result was in his first fight he didn't kill the scoundrel and instead asked for explanations, since he was older he decided to tell Lorenzo his life from now on. Lorenzo barley believed any of it but the gauntlets had the satanic symbols on the palms so he couldn't really argue so Lorenzo learned to be both a business man and a snake in the grass. Lorenzo learned to use his instincts and kept living as a result so one day he was told to follow someone at first Lorenzo ignored him but then the man showed power Lorenzo never could have imagined and was told to follow if he wanted the power to live and gain all his goals. As a result Lorenzo then transferred into the school and when he asked what Lorenzo was planning to do Lorenzo's exact words were "im going to raise hell and control it" Spells: unsure if I have any to use Gear: generally wears his clawed gauntlets when in a fight but when he isn't they become watches on his wrists so if Angelo is wearing a watch on both wrists it means he has weapons in an instant [/hider]