[img]http://healthyceleb.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Colin-Ford.jpg[/img] Name:John Doyle Power:Telekinesis Abilities:Extremely smart, knows how to fight well but he wasn't trained in a certain art. Alias:TK Age:17 Hero or Villain:Villain Personality:John is a genius and one that everyone says could have been a great hero. If he was into that sort of thing. Since John was a little boy he's always wanted power. Nothing more, nothing less, simply speaking he's wanted absolute control over others. When he was six his mother died and he and his sister were sent to live with their aunt. John was extremely close with both his aunt and his sister. Some would say they're the only people he ever loved. But when John was 14, his aunt was murdered and not even his sister could keep him around. He ran off, determined to find the killer and set things straight, using his abilities. Crush:None currently Relationship Status:Single Other:We are YOUNG ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSQJWlMeaz2PjdaqNc_VsJj_rvHo-HFCiHXGEgsJhZ5tT3dX2LK[/img] Name:Lucy Doyle Age:17 Powers:Light Manipulation Alias:Torch Hero or Villain:Hero Personality:Lucy is the polar opposite of her twin. She's kind and caring, and always willing to help someone that needs it. She's fiercely loyal and would die for her friends. Where she and her brother do share similarities is their willingness to stand up for what they believe, no matter what. Bio:Lucy had been close to her brother all her life. When their aunt/legal guardian had died, she knew he'd be hurt. But she didn't think he'd be so hurt that he'd run away, especially from her. When she was 16 she began using her powers to help people, as well as find her brother. She caught the attention of the Justice League and they offered her a spot on the team. One that she took in hopes of one day finding her twin. Crush:None currently Relationship Status:Single